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Unable to debug Whitelisted device / ApplicationSession failing to start

I am not able to connect to my Whitelisted Chromecast through the given address (ip.address:9222) as mentioned here: https://developers.google.com/cast/developing_your_receiver#debugging

When attempting to test my Android sender implementation, my app can successfully see and select the Chromecast device via MediaRouteActionProvider I receive SessionError code CODE_REQUEST_FAILED in CATEGORY_CONNECT_CHANNEL immediately.

I've included my app id in both the Sender and Receiver. I've verified the Chromecast was in discovery state when attempting. I'm able to view the debug info through the Chromecast app on Android to see the device details, but I don't see anything that would confirm the device has been whitelisted. Is there a particular key that would verify the device is whitelisted? Am I missing another step?

like image 858
PrplRugby Avatar asked Jul 28 '13 19:07


1 Answers

The solution is to tick the "Send this Chromecast's serial number to Google when checking for updates" box and then "Reboot Chromecast". (Thanks, methai).

The issue was that there is a bug in the Android Chromecast app (in version 1.1.1), where this setting doesn't actually get saved. I can confirm the OS X client will save this setting properly, haven't tested the other versions yet.

like image 142
PrplRugby Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
