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Reading integer field from Java object with C++ (JNI)

I am trying to access "int" field in the Java class from C++; Actually I also tried other types. I can call methods OK though. But not access fields. I get random garbage values instead of what I am expecting.

Here is my Java code:

private class MYView extends View {
    public MYView(Context context) { super(context);  five = 555; }
    public int five;

C++ part:

jobject view = (jobject) Env->CallObjectMethod(Obj, jfindViewById, 3);
ClassMYView = Env->GetObjectClass(view);
jfieldID f = Env->GetFieldID(ClassMYView, "five", "I");
int i = Env->GetIntField(ClassMYView, f); <-- error is here, class is not object!

This is what I get after the C++ code executes

view = 0x40521b80 
ClassMYView = 0x40521a70 
f = 0x444727e4
i = 4390958 // supposed to be 555!

Please anybody with experience, what am I doing wrong?? Thank you.

like image 805
exebook Avatar asked Jun 11 '13 07:06


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1 Answers

Maybe you want to write

jobject obj = (jobject) Env->CallObjectMethod(Obj, jfindViewById, 3);
ClassMYView = Env->GetObjectClass(obj);
jfieldID f = Env->GetFieldID(ClassMYView, "five", "I");
int i = Env->GetIntField(obj, f);

The compiler doesn't give you an error because basically jobject and jclass are the same type.

like image 137
spacifici Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
