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Unable to Debug Library Projects with ADT v14 - Source Not Found

Ever since upgrading my current projects to use the new R14 Tools in Eclipse, I'm now unable to debug any code that exists in my library projects.

When I hit a break point in my library project code, instead of Eclipse opening the original source file, it opens up the read-only copy of the source file contained within the JAR with the message "Source not found".

I've searched around for a solution to this, but have yet to come across anything. Does anybody else have any suggestions? It's quite a pain not being able to debug.


The issue has came back and I'm no longer able to debug. I haven't changed any project settings around or anything. Very frustrating.

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hooked82 Avatar asked Oct 26 '11 06:10


1 Answers

Tried all of the above and it did not work for me, however the workaround detailed here did.


  1. Start debugging, and run until you hit a breakpoint (and precisely get a .class file instead of the .java you would like to have)
  2. Right click in the Debug view of the Debug perspective (for example on the call stack), and choose "Edit Source Lookup Path"
  3. Add all your projects above "Default", via "Add..." > "Java project" > "Select All"

(I'm using ADT 15.0.2 preview from http://tools.android.com/download)

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Kuffs Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 05:10
