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unable to convert pandas columns from object to float in python



I'm making using a panda frame containing columns like below:

data = {'chindice': [ '-1', '5.89 e-06', '6.76 e-06', '6.31 e-06', '1',
       '4', np.nan], 
        'target': ['classe1', 'classe2', 'classe3', np.nan,'classe5', 'classe4', 'classe5' ], 
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

I need to use the columns "chindice" as float, but I couldnt because the columns dtype is 'object'. Any help would be appreciated. I am a newbie to pandas. Thanks

like image 223
Houda L Avatar asked May 10 '16 14:05

Houda L

People also ask

How do I change a column from an object to float in pandas?

pandas Convert String to Float Use pandas DataFrame. astype() function to convert column from string/int to float, you can apply this on a specific column or on an entire DataFrame. To cast the data type to 54-bit signed float, you can use numpy. float64 , numpy.

Which pandas method will convert a column type from object to float?

We will convert this object to float using pd. to_numeric() and astype() functions in Pandas.

Which pandas method will convert a column type from object to float even if there are invalid numbers in that column?

Using astype() astype() method is used to cast a pandas column to the specified dtype.

1 Answers

You can use to_numeric after stripping the problematic space in your scientific notation entries using str.replace:

In [15]:
df['chindice'] = pd.to_numeric(df['chindice'].str.replace(' ',''), errors='force')

   chindice   target
0 -1.000000  classe1
1  0.000006  classe2
2  0.000007  classe3
3  0.000006      NaN
4  1.000000  classe5
5  4.000000  classe4
6       NaN  classe5

Don't worry about the display, the real value is still there:

In [17]:

like image 87
EdChum Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 19:11
