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Unable to compile after upgrading NgRx and Angular to version 7

I'm working on upgrading an Angular application that uses NgRx from version 6.1.3 to 7.2.15. After running ng-update my versions were upgraded as follows:

Angular - 6.1.3 -> 7.2.15

NgRx - 6.1.0 -> 7.4.0

RxJS - 6.2.2 -> 6.5.2

rxjs-compat (needed for third party components) - 6.2.2 -> 6.5.2

When trying to build or serve the application after the upgrade compilation fails and returns variations of the following error for everywhere selectors are used:

  Types of parameters 'source$' and 'source' are incompatible.
    Type 'Observable<MyFeatureState>' is not assignable to type
src/app/my-feature/detail/detail.component.ts(84,45): error TS2345: Argument of type '(source$: Observable<State>) => Observable<DetailMetadata[]>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'OperatorFunction<MyFeatureState, DetailMetadata[]>'.

I'm not using any extraordinarily complex selectors. Most are just to get a value directly from the feature store, and the app was working prior to upgrade. As a (simplified) example of one of the components the error points to:

import { MyFeatureState } from "../store/reducers";
import * as fromFeature from "../store/selectors";

  selector: "my-detail",
  template: `
    <my-detail-list [detailMetadata]="detailMetadata$ | async"></my-detail-list>
export class DetailComponent implements OnInit {
  detailMetadata$: Observable<DetailMetadata[]>;

  constructor(private store$: Store<MyFeatureState>) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.detailMetadata = this.store$.pipe(

Where my selector would be:

export const selectDetailMetadata = createSelector(
  (state: MyFeatureState) => state.detailMetadata

The error almost looks to me as if the selectors are expected to return the feature state instead of the slice of state that I declare as the type in the component. Is there something I'm missing that needs to be done as part of the upgrade process?

like image 897
bniedermeyer Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 17:12


1 Answers

private store$: Store<MyFeatureState>

Either inject the store with global state (not feature state), or just inject Store<{}>. Selectors already do the type checking.

UPDATE: Inject just Store

like image 97
Alex Okrushko Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 11:12

Alex Okrushko