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UML sequence diagram: how do i draw cron job?


I'm developing an application that takes advantages of restaurants' dataset. Each week my system will run a CRON job in order to synchronize the restaurants that are available on a public API to my database.

However, how do I draw the sequence diagram for this CRON job? Who is the actor?

like image 736
ericlee Avatar asked Sep 21 '15 12:09


People also ask

How do you show a loop in a diagram?

To show a loop, you use the loop operand with a single fragment and put the basis of the iteration in the guard. For conditional logic, you can use an alt operator and put a condition on each fragment. Only the fragment whose guard is true will execute. If you have only one region, there is an opt operator.

1 Answers

The actor would be some scheduler (or you can use the Cron object if you like). The target would be your Synchronizer object doing all that fancy web scanning.

enter image description here

You can use a loop fragment to show the repetition. A simple note would do as well :-)

like image 138
qwerty_so Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
