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Ultra Quick Way To Concatenate Byte Values





Given 3 different bytes such as say x = 64, y = 90, z = 240 I am looking to concatenate them into say a string like 6490240. It would be lovely if this worked but it doesn't:

 string xx = (string)x + (string)y + (string)z;

I am working in C++, and would settle for a concatenation of the bytes as a 24 bit string using their 8-bit representations.

It needs to be ultra fast because I am using this method on a lot of data, and it seems frustratingly like their isn't a way to just say treat this byte as if it were a string.

Many thanks for your help

To clarify, the reason why I'm particular about using 3 bytes is because the original data pertains to RGB values which are read via pointers and are stored of course as bytes in memory.

I want a way really to treat each color independently so you can think of this as a hashing function if you like. So any fast representation that does it without collisions is desired. This is the only way I can think of to avoid any collisions at all.

like image 403
Darius Avatar asked Jul 26 '11 17:07


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2 Answers

Did you consider instead just packing the color elements into three bytes of an integer?

uint32_t full_color = (x << 16) | (y << 8) | z;

like image 115
Mark B Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Mark B

Easiest way to turn numbers into a string is to use ostringstream

#include <sstream>
#include <string>
std::ostringstream os;
os << x << y << z;
std::string str = os.str();   // 6490240

You can even make use of manipulators to do this in hex or octal:

os << std::hex << x << y << z;


Since you've clarified what you really want to do, I've updated my answer. You're looking to take RGB values as three bytes, and use them as a key somehow. This would be best done with a long int, not as a string. You can still stringify the int quite easily, for printing to the screen.

unsigned long rgb = 0;
byte* b = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(&rgb);
b[0] = x;
b[1] = y;
b[2] = z;
// rgb is now the bytes { 0, x, y, z }

Then you can use the long int rgb as your key, very efficiently. Whenever you want to print it out, you can still do that:

std::cout << std::hex << rgb;

Depending on the endian-ness of your system, you may need to play around with which bytes of the long int you set. My example overwrites bytes 0-2, but you might want to write bytes 1-3. And you might want to write the order as z, y, x instead of x, y, z. That kind of detail is platform dependent. Although if you never want to print the RGB value, but simply want to consider it as a hash, then you don't need to worry about which bytes you write or in what order.

like image 36
Tim Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09
