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UIView alpha vs. UIColor alpha

I would like to know the difference between:

  • Assigning my UIView a color with <1 alpha vs
  • Assigning it a non-transparent color but giving the UIView a <1 alpha value.

On the screenshot I have made two UIViews with two black (alpha = 1.0) UILabels on top of each:

Two UIView's with same color but 0.5 alpha on UIView and bg. color and a third one with alpha 1

Assume a macro _RGB is defined before:

#define _RGB(r,g,b,a) [UIColor colorWithRed:r/255.0 green:g/255.0 blue:b/255.0 alpha:a]

and then here is the code::

[_view1 setBackgroundColor:_RGB(255, 0, 0, 1)];
[_view1 setAlpha:0.5];

[_view2 setBackgroundColor:_RGB(255, 0, 0, 0.5)];
[_view2 setAlpha:1];

[_view3 setBackgroundColor:_RGB(255, 0, 0, 1)];
[_view3 setAlpha:1];

I can see only one difference visually: Changing view's own alpha instead of bg color's, affects the subviews as well. But other than that is there any difference in functionality that I should consider? (eg. On animations, layers, etc.)

like image 786
Yunus Nedim Mehel Avatar asked Dec 06 '13 12:12

Yunus Nedim Mehel

People also ask

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alpha. The opacity value of the new color object, specified as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.

What does Alpha mean in Swift?

Basic Swift Code for iOS Apps View's Alpha value is a floating-point number in the range 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 represents totally transparent and 1.0 represents totally opaque.

What is opaque in iOS?

An opaque view is expected to fill its bounds with entirely opaque content—that is, the content should have an alpha value of 1. 0 . If the view is opaque and either does not fill its bounds or contains wholly or partially transparent content, the results are unpredictable.

What is opacity in Swift?

Any SwiftUI view can be partially or wholly transparent using the opacity() modifier. This accepts a value between 0 (completely invisible) and 1 (fully opaque), just like the alpha property of UIView in UIKit.

1 Answers

The difference is:

  • By settings background color with alpha <1, only the background color will have the alpha and all subviews will by default have alpha 1, i.e. will be 100% opaque
  • By settings alpha to the view, the whole view (including all the subviews) will be drawn with the given alpha

So in your examples:

  • _view1 (alpha <1 on view): alpha is also applied to the subview UILabel
  • _view2 (alpha <1 on background color): subview UILabel is nicely opaque
  • _view3 (defualt alpha 1 on both): well, we all see :-) background color and label are both opaque

Example usage of both:

Alpha on background clorAlpha on whole view

Left image: You have a semi-transparent black overlay which has a subview UIImageView containing a white checkmark icon and you usually want the icon to be fully opaque (non-transparent). So you set just the background color black with alpha <1 (0.75f in the example).

In opposing to:

Right image: You have have a semi-transparent black overlay which has a subview UIImageView containing a white pattern image (the pattern is opaque white, no alpha). And you want the pattern in overlay to be also semi-transparent. You then would set background color to black with alpha 1 (opaque) and alpha <1 to the whole view.

As you can see, icon on left image is fully opaque, but on a right, you can see also through a stars pattern.

like image 85
Lukas Kukacka Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 20:11

Lukas Kukacka