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too few items in teams [duplicate]

I am trying to set up a new machine with XCode and my developer account and keep running into the following error while trying to refresh provisioning profiles from the Organizer:

Too few items in Property/teams/Entity/Developer

I have followed all of the suggestions in this thread, to no avail.

It seems like it's a problem with multiple/incorrect identities in the keychain, but I have not been able to fix it thus far, and there seems to be very little info on this issue in the wild.

I have tried all of the following:

  1. Deleting all of development-related certificates in my keychain
  2. Revoking/reissuing the development certificate via iOS dev center.
  3. Logging out of all other Apple-related services (iTunes, App Store, etc).
  4. Reinstalling XCode via App Store.

Has anyone else had this problem?

like image 415
Preston Lewis Avatar asked Aug 29 '12 05:08

Preston Lewis

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1 Answers

This stuff is just sooooo frustrating. Not sure if it will help but I snapshoted what I have in the KeyChain. When you see a disclosure triangle it means there is a Key under the certificate.

enter image description hereSecond Shot

like image 89
David H Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10

David H