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UITapGestureRecognizer Programmatically trigger a tap in my view


Edit: Updated to make question more obvious

Edit 2: Made question more accurate to my real-world problem. I'm actually looking to take action if they tap anywhere EXCEPT in an on-screen text-field. Thus, I can't simply listen for events within the textfield, I need to know if they tapped anywhere in the View.

I'm writing unit tests to assert that a certain action is taken when a gesture recognizer recognizes a tap within certain coordinates of my view. I want to know if I can programmatically create a touch (at specific coordinates) that will be handled by the UITapGestureRecognizer. I'm attempting to simulate the user interaction during a unit test.

The UITapGestureRecognizer is configured in Interface Builder


-(IBAction)viewTapped:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)gesture {
  CGPoint tapPoint = [gesture locationInView:self.view];
  if (!CGRectContainsPoint(self.textField, tapPoint)) {
    // Do stuff if they tapped anywhere outside the text field

//What I'm trying to accomplish in my unit test:

-(void)testThatTappingInNoteworthyAreaTriggersStuff {
  // Create fake gesture recognizer and ViewController
  MYUIViewControllerSubclass *vc = [[MYUIViewControllersSubclass alloc] init];
  UITapGestureRecognizer *tgr = [[UITapGestureRecognizer initWithView: vc.view];

  // What I want to do:
  [[ Simulate A Tap anywhere outside vc.textField ]]
  [[  Assert that "Stuff" occured ]]
like image 282
Matt H. Avatar asked Dec 30 '12 21:12

Matt H.

People also ask

How to add tap gesture in View swift?

Adding a Tap Gesture Recognizer to an Image View in Interface Builder. Open Main. storyboard and drag a tap gesture recognizer from the Object Library and drop it onto the image view we added earlier. The tap gesture recognizer appears in the Document Outline on the left.

What is tap gesture?

A discrete gesture that recognizes one or many taps. Tap gestures detect one or more fingers briefly touching the screen. The fingers involved in these gestures must not move significantly from their initial touch positions.

How do I use UISwipeGestureRecognizer?

You can select right, left, up or down. One by one, select the swipe gesture recognizer, control + drag to your view controller. Insert the name (let us say leftGesture, rightGesture, upGesture and downGesture), change the connection to: Action and type to: UISwipeGestureRecognizer.

1 Answers

I think you have multiple options here:

  1. May be the simplest would be to send a push event action to your view but i don't think that what you really want since you want to be able to choose where the tap action occurs.

    [yourView sendActionsForControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

  2. You could use UI automation tool that is provided with XCode instruments. This blog explains well how to automate your UI tests with script then.

  3. There is this solution too that explain how to synthesize touch events on the iPhone but make sure you only use those for unit tests. This sounds more like a hack to me and I will consider this solution as the last resort if the two previous points doesn't fulfill your need.

like image 82
tiguero Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
