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html template tag and jquery


I've got this situation where I'm trying to use the <template> tag in my html source:

<template id="some-id">
  <div id="content-container">

This ends up placing the template in the document but it is not considered to be in the DOM. This means that $("#content-container") is not found in browsers that support template tags. If I search for:


I get this back:

<template id=​"some-id">​
    <div id="content-container">

None of this surprises me. What I need to know how to do is to clone the contents of the document-fragment and have a fresh node I can then stick into the DOM where I want it.

I have found examples of how to do this w/o jQuery but much of the code around this stuff is already using jQuery and I need to know how to use jQuery to do this.

My first thought was to get the html and then use it to create a new node:

stuff = $("#some-id").html()
new_node = $(stuff)

This results in the following errors:

Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: <the html string>

I don't know if the error is caused by the mustache syntax or not. I figure there has to be a jQuery solution to this behavior somewhere but when I search with Google I get craploads of hits for jQuery Templates, which are different.

Does anyone have thoughts, answers or pointers to sites/pages that will help me through this? I'm trying to avoid cobbling together something hackish.

EDIT: I ended up finding this solution (I'm still testing it to make sure it IS a solution but it looks promising);

template = $("#some-id")
content = template.html()
new_div = $("<div></div>")

I end up with that containing div that I didn't really need previously but I can live with that. But this kind of feels kludgy. Does anyone have a better approach to this? The upside is that it will still work in browsers that haven't adapted the template tag behavior fully yet.


like image 882
jaydel Avatar asked Apr 10 '13 15:04


2 Answers


var myTemplate = $("#some-id").html().trim();
var myTemplateClone = $(myTemplate);
like image 127
HaNdTriX Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10


I believe that this site will help explain how the shadow dom works and how templates interact with them. http://robdodson.me/blog/2013/08/27/shadow-dom-the-basics/

Furthermore it is actually very simple to clone a node of a shadow template and using jquery is not even needed.

Here is a jfiddle that demonstrates it: http://jsfiddle.net/dtracers/fhWc3/1/


<div id = "hoster">
    <span class = "title">Title</span>
    <span class = "id">51ab89af</span>

<template id = "im-a-template">
    <h1><content select =".title"></content></h1>
    <h1>Class Id: <content select = ".id"></content></h1>
    <input type="text" placeholder = "Name"></input>  


// find where you want to put your shadow dom in
var host = document.querySelector('#hoster');

var root = host.createShadowRoot(); // create the host root

var template = document.querySelector('#im-a-template');

// this is the node of the object you wanted
var documentFragment = template.content;

// this is a cloned version of the object that you can use anywhere.
var templateClone = documentFragment.cloneNode(true);

root.appendChild(templateClone); // this empty root now has your template
like image 22
dtracers Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10
