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UITableViewCell delete button gets covered up


Thanks to information from "Evgeny S" I've been able to determine that what is covering up the delete button is the cell background. I had the following function called at the beginning of cell init:

- (void) setupGradientsWithHeight:(int) the_height
    CAGradientLayer* gradient = [CAGradientLayer layer];

    gradient.frame  = CGRectMake(self.bounds.origin.x,

    gradient.colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                       (id)[UIColor colorWithRed:218.0f/255.0f
                       (id)[UIColor colorWithRed:180.0f/255.0f

    UIView* bgview = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1)];

    [bgview.layer addSublayer:gradient];
    [self setBackgroundView:bgview];

The problem is solved by NOT adding the backgroundview. However, I'm wondering how it might be solved while preserving the gradient background for each cell?

One of two things could be happening. When the delete button appears the background view is either being shifted and then back - or its size is being decreased and then back. I tried messing with the width component "self.bounds.size.width" for the gradient frame but I still don't see how that could be affecting things because this function is only called once at cell initialization.


I had created an App in Xcode4 under iOS6 SDK - but after loading things up in the new environment (Xcode5 and iOS7 SDK) I ran into a problem. Note that I have resolved all build errors and warnings that came up when making the transition.

I have a tableview with some cells. After entering edit mode, if one clicks the red toggle button to initiate delete mode for a cell - the animation begins and the "Delete" button appears - but only briefly and is then suddenly re-hidden.

Another strange thing I should note is that even while the delete button is covered up - you can still click where it should be and delete the cell.

I've tried to take out as much of my "custom code" as possible, I've removed functions that I had overridden and tried to take things back to an original state as possible - but to no avail.

At one point I had seen a strange message in the output log: "attempting to set a swipe to delete cell when we already have one....that doesn't seem good". For some reason the message is on longer appearing and I can't seem to remember what I was doing at the time.

Any thoughts or recommendations on what might be causing this?


like image 555
dtmland Avatar asked Sep 21 '13 23:09


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1 Answers

I fixed this by finding the delete button view and bringing it to the front. I did this in layoutSubviews in a UITableViewCell subclass.

Here's a small bit of code that should give you an idea of how to do it:

- (void)layoutSubviews
    [super layoutSubviews];

    for (UIView *subview in self.subviews) {

        for (UIView *subview2 in subview.subviews) {

            if ([NSStringFromClass([subview2 class]) isEqualToString:@"UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationView"]) { // move delete confirmation view

            [subview bringSubviewToFront:subview2];

like image 173
Si. Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 07:01
