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UIImageView missing images in Launch Screen on device

People also ask

What is launch screen storyboard?

The LaunchScreen. storyboard is an interface builder storyboard file that uses auto-layout and some basic constraints on the controls to adjust the display for all the supported devices. Perform this task in the copy of the DeploymentKitApp in Xcode on your computer.

Turn if off and then on again.

Seriously, restart the device — that’s what fixed it for me.

Here’s what didn’t work:

  • Cleaning DerivedData
  • Cleaning the project
  • Uninstalling the app from the device
  • Restarting Xcode
  • Restarting the computer

Older observations:

Just like the others, it:

  • Works fine in the Simulator
  • Used to work on the devices (iPhone 5S, iPad Air)
  • No code changes (verified via git reset --hard HEAD), yet stopped working.

What I remember triggering the first build where it stopped working was unplugging the iPhone while it was runnning. (Not sure if it’s related.)

However, the git reset not fixing it (combined with all the clean steps not working) tells me it this must be getting cached somewhere else. Quite possibly in one of the .gitignored files? (I’m using Git ignore file for Xcode projects)

One workaround that worked for one UIImageView (in the UIView that has three) but not for the others was putting the image into an .xcassets file. Reverting to the plain image file did not undo the fix. (Really feels like a caching error.)

UPDATE: See top — restarting the device is what fixed it. I get the feeling the wrong bitmap data is being cached on the device itself.

Radar: http://openradar.appspot.com/23534818

"The solution for me was simply to make sure that the "Clears Graphics Context" box is unchecked for the UIImageView in the storyboard. Just changing this fixed it for me." No other solutions worked for me. Got it from apple developer forum

enter image description here

I had exactly the same issue on an iPhone 6.

The very strange fact is that I was able to use another image from my images.xcassets which had the same size, compression, color space ...

I'm not able to find why it doesn't work but I found a solution : Simply put your file outside your images.xcassets and use its full name (with extension) in Interface Builder

splashScreen in storyboard sample

Hope this help !

The following sequence of operations fixed the issue for me on Xcode 7.3.1 and iOS 9.3.4:

  1. Clean Your Build (⌘+⇧+K)
  2. Close Xcode
  3. Hard Reset iOS Device (Power + Home Button reboot)
  4. Relaunch Xcode - let indexing finish and build on device once it is ready.