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UI scaling for WXGA resolution

currently I'm having a few difficulties with the UI of a Windows Phone app. I've always thought that the UI is automatically scaled by the OS to fit the resolution of the device properly. In the designer of Visual Studio or Blend the UI of my app looks pretty much the same for all different device types/resolutions I can select in the preview. When I debug the app on the WVGA, the 720p emulator and my device (Lumia 920), it does look the same, too. But when I start the app in the WXGA emulator the UI looks as it is not scaled by the OS. It only fills the first half of the screen and everything is very tiny.

Now I am very confused: Why does the UI scaling work for many resolutions but WXGA, and why does the preview in the designer look totally different in comparison to the result in the emulator.

Doing researches I found this image to explain the different resolutions for Windows Phone. If I'm understanding it correctly the UI should look almost the same of all different resolutions as it should be scaled. Now I need to know why it's not scaled under WXGA resolution or what else I'm doing wrong.

EDIT: As I'm using Windows Phone 8.1 I cannot edit anything resolution dependend in the WMAppManifest.xml as this was mentioned in some other posts I found.

Is it possible, that my emulator is the problem and not the app itself?

Thanks in advance.

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zimmerrol Avatar asked Apr 22 '14 07:04


1 Answers

you can find your answer for Adapting UI for Different Screens and Orientations

visit http://www.slideshare.net/WindowsPhoneRocks/06-adapting-ui-for-different-screens-and-orientations . I have used scaled 120 and it works fine in both WVGA and WXGA

refer http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Building-Apps-for-Windows-Phone-8-1/06

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Kushal Maniyar Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Kushal Maniyar