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ui-router nested route controller isn't being called

I am trying to call a controller which should be linked with the home.category route but it isn't being called. What's wrong in it?

$stateProvider       .state("home", {     // Use a url of "/" to set a states as the "index".     url: "/",     templateUrl: APP_CONFIG.baseUrl +       'partials/layouts/home.html',     controller: 'MainCtrl'   })   .state("home.category", {     // Use a url of "/" to set a states as the "index".     url: "c/:categoryId/:categorySlug",     controller: function($stateParams) {       alert($stateParams.categoryId);     }   }) 
like image 740
makki Avatar asked Jan 01 '14 08:01


1 Answers

Well, I found a clue from the given documentation of ui-router the says

You can assign a controller to your template. Warning: The controller will not be instantiated if template is not defined.


But I tried to add template and still didn't work, then I saw that my parent route template didn't have <div ui-view></div> (I mistakenly removed it) so when I added it back it worked :), So, to instantiate our child's route controller, we must have <div ui-view></div> in our parent's route template.

like image 186
makki Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
