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UI-Router modal changes existing views

I'm trying to use ui-router to trigger a modal for a certain state, rather than changing the entire view. To do this, I implemented a slightly adapted form of what is given in the FAQ, as I'm using angular-foundation rather than bootstrap. When I trigger the state, the modal is shown, however it also clears out the existing views even though no views are specified in my state:

  onEnter: ($modal, $state, $sessionStorage) ->
      templateUrl: 'views/select_modal.html'
      windowClass: 'tiny'
      controller: 'SelectCtrl'
        options: (Restangular) -> Restangular.all('options').getList()
    .result.then (result) ->
      $sessionStorage.selected = result
      $state.go 'resource', id: result.id

Should I be configuring views/parents for this state e.g. <div ui-view='modal'></div> or parent:'main' (I'd like it to be accessible from any state without changing that state when toggled)?

like image 877
Jonathan Bender Avatar asked May 14 '14 01:05

Jonathan Bender

1 Answers

specify that it has a parent state by using the "." naming convention. (replace "parentState" with the name of the actual parent): .state('parentState.selectModal',...

like image 101
Joe Naber Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 04:11

Joe Naber