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Ubuntu Eclipse : Backspace key started working like Delete key

I am working on Eclipse, backspace key works all fine but suddenly it's started working like delete key (When press backspace we expect to delete backward characters but its deleting front characters).

Is their its an Eclipse functionality? or bug I am not sure. If functionality then let know how to make it correct.

It's really a weird type of issue. Not able to work smoothly.

like image 576
murtaza.webdev Avatar asked Nov 20 '15 10:11


1 Answers

Got solved:

Go to "Window -> Preferences". Then inside the tree navigate to "General -> Keys".

In the right side of the window, type "Delete" where it says "type filter text".

Find the COMMAND: Delete, BINDING: Backspace and click on UnBind Command button at the bottom. Click Apply, then OK.

Its done.

Thanks to @Javich

like image 156
murtaza.webdev Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10
