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Typescript - Wait for promise resolve before function return

Updated with working solution

I start with a function that grabs information from all rows selected in a table and pushes that information into a stack for later processing.

for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedItems().length; i++) {
    var row = this.selectedItems()[i];
    let info = this.createFileReqInfo(row.Number(), FileRequestType.AssociatedDoc);

My Problem: The createFileReqInfo function returns before the asynchronous API call can return a value, so I'm not getting the right value for userCanView in the return object.

createFileReqInfo = (reportId: number, fileRequestType: FileRequestType) : any => {
    let fileReq = new FileRequest(reportId, fileRequestType);
    var uCanView = false;
    this.reportModel.getReportSecurity(reportId).done((result) => {
        uCanView = result.CanViewReport;
        var info: {
            fileRequest: FileRequest,
            userCanView: boolean
        } = {
            fileRequest: fileReq,
            userCanView: uCanView
        return info;        

The compiler won't let me use await here. Any ideas on how to get the function to block until the API call returns?


My problem here is that there were a few levels of function calls here that I had to rework to create and resolve promises. The function that calls the API resembles something in the suggested solutions

createFileReqInfo = (reportId: number, fileRequestType: FileRequestType) : JQueryPromise<any> => {
    let fileReq = new FileRequest(reportId, fileRequestType);
    var uCanView = false;

    var info: {
        fileRequest: FileRequest,
        userCanView: boolean
    } = {
        fileRequest: fileReq,
        userCanView: uCanView

    let dfd: JQueryDeferred<any> = $.Deferred();

    this.reportModel.getReportSecurity(reportId).done((result) => {
        uCanView = result.CanViewReport;
        info.userCanView = uCanView;

    return dfd;

This now returns a promise. The problem I had is with the function that calls this one because it iterates through a list of selected items and queues up various reports to download, but only the ones that exist in that particular selection. Had to use this answer to figure out a way to wait for all the promises to resolve before continuing.

getFileReqsFromSelectedItems = (view1: boolean, view2: boolean, view3: boolean): JQueryPromise<any> => {
    var fileReqInfo: {
        fileRequest: FileRequest,
        userCanView: boolean
    }[] = [];

    let dfd: JQueryDeferred<any> = $.Deferred();

    let promise: JQueryPromise<any>;
    let promiseArray: JQueryPromise<any>[] = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedItems().length; i++) {
        var row = this.selectedItems()[i];

        if( view1 && row.HasView1() ) {
            promise = this.createFileReqInfo(row.Number(), FileRequestType.AssociatedDoc1);
        if( view2 && row.HasView2() ) {
            promise = this.createFileReqInfo(row.Number(), FileRequestType.AssociatedDoc2);
        if( view3 && row.HasView3() ) {
            promise = this.createFileReqInfo(row.Number(), FileRequestType.AssociatedDoc3);

    $.when.apply($, promiseArray).done(function() {
        var promises = arguments;
        for (var j = 0; j < promises.length; j++)

    return dfd;

After that, it was easy to take the array of returned values and pass it to the download function.

downloadReports = () => {
    this.getFileReqsFromSelectedItems(this.view1Check(), this.view2Check(), this.view3Check()).then((fileReqsDetails) => { 


like image 202
EdR Avatar asked Apr 18 '18 18:04


People also ask

Does await wait for promise to resolve?

The syntax: // works only inside async functions let value = await promise; The keyword await makes JavaScript wait until that promise settles and returns its result.

How do you wait for a promise to resolve node?

The async keyword before a function declaration marks it as asynchronous, and within it we can use the await keyword to wait for a promise to resolve. To wait for our promise to resolve and get the resolution as a return value from it, we just use the await keyword in-front of the promise.

Is promise resolve same as return?

The Promise.resolve() method "resolves" a given value to a Promise . If the value is a promise, that promise is returned; if the value is a thenable, Promise.resolve() will call the then() method with two callbacks it prepared; otherwise the returned promise will be fulfilled with the value.

How do you resolve promises after 2 seconds?

Use setTimeout() to call the promise's resolve function with the passed value after the specified delay .

2 Answers

For APIs that don't support promises, you can use new Promise to create a promise yourself, call resolve with the result of the async call, then you can use async/await syntax when calling it. More info on promises

interface ReportSecurityInfo {
    fileRequest: FileRequest
    userCanView: boolean

createFileReqInfo = (reportId: number, fileRequestType: FileRequestType): Promise<any> => {
    let fileReq = new FileRequest(reportId, fileRequestType);
    var uCanView = false;

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        this.reportModel.getReportSecurity(reportId).done((result) => {
            uCanView = result.CanViewReport;
            var info: ReportSecurityInfo = {
                fileRequest: fileReq,
                userCanView: uCanView

// somewhere else...
const info = await this.createFileReqInfo()

I also went ahead and split out the type of info as its own interface for readability.

like image 157
kingdaro Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10


You can return promise from createFileReqInfo , then wait until it resolves

for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedItems().length; i++) {
    var row = this.selectedItems()[i];
    let info = await this.createFileReqInfo(row.Number(), FileRequestType.AssociatedDoc);


for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedItems().length; i++) {
    var row = this.selectedItems()[i];
    this.createFileReqInfo(row.Number(), FileRequestType.AssociatedDoc)
       .then(info => {


Where createFileReqInfo is defined as:

createFileReqInfo = (reportId: number, fileRequestType: FileRequestType) : Promise<any> => {
  return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
    let fileReq = new FileRequest(reportId, fileRequestType);
    var uCanView = false;
    this.reportModel.getReportSecurity(reportId).done((result) => {
        uCanView = result.CanViewReport;
        var info: {
            fileRequest: FileRequest,
            userCanView: boolean
        } = {
            fileRequest: fileReq,
            userCanView: uCanView
like image 43
Reza Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10
