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TypeScript: self-referencing return type for static methods in inheriting classes

With Polymorphic this in TypeScript 1.7, as I discovered here, we can define a method in a class with a return type of this, and automatically, any classes that extend that class and inherit the methods, will have their return types set to their respective this type. Like so:

class Model {   save():this {    // return type: Model     // save the current instance and return it   } }  class SomeModel extends Model {   // inherits the save() method - return type: SomeModel } 

However, what I'm after is to have an inherited static method with a return type referencing the class itself. It's best described in code:

class Model {   static getAll():Model[] {     // return all recorded instances of Model as an array   }    save():this {     // save the current instance and return it   } }  class SomeModel extends Model {   // inherits the save() method - return type: SomeModel   // also inherits getAll() - return type: Model (how can we make that SomeModel?) } 

Perhaps I'll have to think of a different way to implement this, since Polymorphic this in TypeScript 1.7 does not support static methods by design.

EDIT: I guess we'll see how this Github issue wraps up: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/5863

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Merott Avatar asked Dec 04 '15 21:12


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2 Answers

This is doable in TypeScript 2.0+. By using an inline { new(): T } type to capture this, you'll get what you wanted:

type Constructor<T> = { new (): T }  class BaseModel {   static getAll<T>(this: Constructor<T>): T[] {     return [] // dummy impl   }      /**    * Example of static method with an argument:    */   static getById<T>(this: Constructor<T>, id: number): T | undefined {     return // dummy impl   }    save(): this {     return this // dummy impl   } }  class SubModel extends BaseModel {}  const sub = new SubModel() const savedSub: SubModel = sub.save()  // Behold: SubModel.getAll() returns SubModels, not BaseModel const savedSubs: SubModel[] = SubModel.getAll() 

Note that getAll still expects no arguments with this typing.

For more information, see https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/generics.html#using-class-types-in-generics and https://stackoverflow.com/a/45262288/1268016

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mrm Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09


Based on the simplest answer to the GitHub issue, you can use InstanceType<> like this:

class Foo {     static create<T extends typeof Foo>(this: T): InstanceType<T> {         return new this() as InstanceType<T>     }      static getAll<T extends typeof Foo>(this: T): Array<InstanceType<T>> {         return []     } }  class Bar extends Foo { }  const a = Bar.getAll() // typeof a is Bar[] const b = Bar.create() // typeof b is Bar. 

Where I threw in the create function just for illustration, from the linked GitHub example.

like image 35
Brian M. Hunt Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 02:09

Brian M. Hunt