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Typescript - How to change type of axios response when modified interceptor to return config.data

Here is the code

const fetcher = Axios.create()

  return config.data

Problem is

Type of fetcher.get('...') is AxiosInstance, but it's actually AxiosInstance.data type

So how could I change the type correctly?

like image 262
Yokiijay Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 13:01


1 Answers

It is not necessary to redefine the module.

Assuming your interceptor does response => response.data and a server response like:

  book: { id: 42 }

This should be enough:

type Book = {
    id: number

type ResponseContainer = {
    book: Book

request.post<unknown, ResponseContainer>('/api')
    .then(({ book }) => console.log(book.id))
like image 79
edrpls Avatar answered Feb 12 '23 08:02
