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TypeScript: Convert a bool to string value

I have a really simple issue, I can't get to convert a simple boolean to a string value in TypeScript.

I have been roaming through documentation and I could not find anything helpful. Of course I tried to use the toString() method but it does not seem to be implemented on bool.

Edit: I have almost no JavaScript knowledge and came to TypeScript with a C#/Java background.

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Ucodia Avatar asked Feb 08 '13 14:02


People also ask

Can we convert bool to string?

To convert Boolean to String in Java, use the toString() method. For this, firstly, we have declared two booleans. String str1 = new Boolean(bool1). toString(); String str2 = new Boolean(bool2).

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Use the Number object to convert a boolean to a number in TypeScript, e.g. const num = Number(true) . When used as a function, Number(value) converts a value to a number. If the value cannot be converted, it returns NaN (not a number).

How do you assign a Boolean value to a variable in TypeScript?

Boolean values are supported by both JavaScript and TypeScript and stored as true/false values. TypeScript Boolean: let isPresent:boolean = true; Note that, the boolean Boolean is different from the lower case boolean type.

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2 Answers

This is either a bug in TypeScript or a concious design decision, but you can work around it using:

var myBool: bool = true; var myString: string = String(myBool); alert(myString); 

In JavaScript booleans override the toString method, which is available on any Object (pretty much everything in JavaScript inherits from Object), so...

var myString: string = myBool.toString(); 

... should probably be valid.

There is also another work around for this, but I personally find it a bit nasty:

var myBool: bool = true; var myString: string = <string><any> myBool; alert(myString); 
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Fenton Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09


For those looking for an alternative, another way to go about this is to use a template literal like the following:

const booleanVal = true; const stringBoolean = `${booleanVal}`; 

The real strength in this comes if you don't know for sure that you are getting a boolean value. Although in this question we know it is a boolean, thats not always the case, even in TypeScript(if not fully taken advantage of).

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Jon Black Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Jon Black