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Typescript and React (with Gatsby loader): unable to import images as modules

First, I don't think Gatsby is involved in problem as runnning tsc -p . will detect the same compilation errors, before gatby's yarn start is ran.

I have a folder with some react tsx files I want to compile


I want bottom.tsx to load email.png, but I have this error

TS2307: cannot load image module

As written in this post, I declare all pictures as modules in src/@types/index.d.ts. I have created a interface in this file for test urpose, and the file is correctly read by the compiler.

declare module '*.jpg';
declare module '*.png';​

export interface Thing {
    name: string

Using import as or adding content to module declaration won't change anything. However the code is running fine if I ignore typescript compilator :

import email from '../../images/email.png'
import logo from '../../images/logo-bw.png'

It works, so the structure of the code is ok with Gatsby, but obviously I lose a lot of benefits of using typescript as images is a big part of a website... Plus, there is no IDE autocompletion to help image import.

This Gatsby starter is made to be open source, so you can check the configuration at this branch : https://github.com/robusta-code/gatsby-the-robust/tree/0.0.1

Note that loading css or sass modules would be ok : import '../styles/home.scss'

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Nicolas Zozol Avatar asked Dec 11 '19 08:12

Nicolas Zozol

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1 Answers

Wow... The problem is that my index.d.ts was exporting an interface !

In TypeScript, just as in ECMAScript 2015, any file containing a top-level import or export is considered a module. Conversely, a file without any top-level import or export declarations is treated as a script whose contents are available in the global scope (and therefore to modules as well)

Removing export interface Thing{} was enough.

like image 134
Nicolas Zozol Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Nicolas Zozol