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TypeORM: "No migrations pending" when attempting to run migrations manually

I have a new web app and I've written a migrator to create a user table. However, no matter what I try, typeorm does not appear to find this migrator and hence, does not run it.

My file structure (other files/folders not shown):

├── Server
│   ├── dist
|   |   ├── Migrations
|   |   |   ├── 1234567891234567890-AddUserTable.js
|   |   |   ├── 1234567891234567890-AddUserTable.js.map
|   |   |   ├── 1234567891234567890-AddUserTable.d.ts
│   ├── src
|   |   ├── Migrations
|   |   |   ├── 1234567891234567890-AddUserTable.ts
|   |   ├── app.module.ts


    imports: [
        ConfigModule.forRoot({ envFilePath: '.env' }),
            imports: [ConfigModule],
            useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => ({
                type: 'mysql',
                host: configService.get('TYPEORM_HOST'),
                port: +configService.get<number>('TYPEORM_PORT'),
                username: configService.get('TYPEORM_USERNAME'),
                password: configService.get('TYPEORM_PASSWORD'),
                database: configService.get('TYPEORM_DATABASE'),
                synchronize: configService.get('TYPEORM_SYNCHRONIZE'),
                entities: [__dirname + '/**/*.entity{.ts,.js}'],
                migrations: [__dirname + '/Migrations/**/*.js'],
                migrationsRun: false,
                cli: {
                    migrationsDir: './Migrations',
            inject: [ConfigService],
    controllers: [],
    providers: [],
export class AppModule {
    constructor(private connection: Connection) {}

In order to run this, in my console window, I type: nest start in order get my Server started.

Then, I run npx typeorm migration:run which I get:

query: SELECT * FROM `myDB`.`migrations` `migrations` ORDER BY `id` DESC
No migrations are pending

If I look in my DB, I see a migrations table with no entries inside.

I have tried to delete my migrator file and create it again with a more recent timestamp and that does not work either.

npx typeorm migration:create -n "MyMigratorName"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 955
noblerare Avatar asked Jul 09 '20 19:07


3 Answers

Typeorm only loads migration from files with js extension,

In the ormconfig file where you set up your connection;

    "type": "mysql",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 3306,
    "username": "test",
    "password": "test",
    "database": "test",
    "entities": ["entity/*.js"],
    "migrationsTableName": "custom_migration_table",
    "migrations": ["migration/*.js"],
    "cli": {
        "migrationsDir": "migration"

"migrations": ["migration/*.js"] - indicates that typeorm will load migrations from the given "migration" directory.

if your migration folder is stored in a dist or src directory,

"migrations": ["migration/*.js"] will now be "migrations": ["dist/migration/*.js"] or "migrations": ["src/migration/*.js"], the * means any migration filename. Just make sure whatever directory/directories placed here ["migration/*.js"] leads to where your migration file(s) are

"migrationsDir": "migration"- indicates that the CLI must create new migrations in the "migration" directory. so whatever directory you specify here is where your migration files will be created.

Please note that if your migration files have typescript extensions(.ts), you have to compile your migrations files into javascript files if not typeorm will not find them.

like image 61
Ukpa Uchechi Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 02:11

Ukpa Uchechi

For anyone coming here for help:

The config above mentions migrations to be found in js files:

migrations: [__dirname + '/Migrations/**/*.js'],

However from the folder structure its clear that migrations are written in ts files not js.

To run migrations from ts follow the officially recommended way described here:


Also in that case don't forget to update the migrations blob to be ts:

migrations: [__dirname + '/Migrations/**/*.ts'],

If you want to run the migrations from js files you will have to provide the location to be from dist folder after the ts files have been compiled to js form.

like image 37
daksh_019 Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 02:11


In addition to answer given by @Upka Uchechi

If you're using typescript, you need to run the following commands

$ npm run build   # This will compile the typescript files into JavaScript files 
$ npm run typeorm -- migration:run

To give a bit more context. If your configuration files are lookated at <PROJECT ROOT>/db-migrations, the build command above should move the compiled JavaScript files to <PROJECT ROOT>/dist/db-migrations. For that, your configuration file would look like this

  "migrations": ["dist/db-migrations/*.js"],
like image 20
Ganesh Satpute Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11

Ganesh Satpute