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How can I do an Optional JOIN using SQL






I want to return all rows from biometrics, and grab extra data if the JOIN exists. However my current query only returns rows when the userid matches.

How may I fix this so it returns all biometric rows, and extra data from the JOIN if it exists?

SELECT b.id as id, g.date
FROM `biometrics` as b
INNER JOIN `users goals` as g ON biometricid = b.id and userid = $user->id
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ditto Avatar asked May 11 '15 03:05


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ON. An INNER JOIN combines data from two tables where there is a match on the joining column(s) in both tables. Remember, the INNER keyword is optional.

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1 Answers

Use a left outer join:

SELECT b.id as id, g.date
FROM `biometrics` as b
LEFT OUTER JOIN `users goals` as g ON biometricid = b.id and userid = $user->id

Nice examples of different join types can be found here.

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Nic Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
