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TypeError - o.ngOnDestroy is not a function

When building my angular app for production (ng serve no problem) I am getting the following error when loading one of the children modules:

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: o.ngOnDestroy is not a function
TypeError: o.ngOnDestroy is not a function
    at Fi (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:9573)
    at Mi (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:9541)
    at Ri (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:9531)
    at fo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10593)
    at go (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10719)
    at vo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10662)
    at fo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10591)
    at go (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10719)
    at mo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10641)
    at fo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10592)
    at Fi (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:9573)
    at Mi (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:9541)
    at Ri (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:9531)
    at fo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10593)
    at go (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10719)
    at vo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10662)
    at fo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10591)
    at go (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10719)
    at mo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10641)
    at fo (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:10592)
    at P (zone.js:814)
    at P (zone.js:771)
    at zone.js:873
    at e.invokeTask (zone.js:421)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (core.js.pre-build-optimizer.js:3815)
    at e.invokeTask (zone.js:420)
    at t.runTask (zone.js:188)
    at d (zone.js:595)
    at t.invokeTask [as invoke] (zone.js:500)
    at k (zone.js:1540)

I am using angular & angular cli 6.1.2. Any ideas what might be leading to this?

Below are the two code snippets where ngOnDestroy is found in the generated main.js file:

var pi = function () {
  function t(t, e, n, r) {
    this._moduleType = t, this._parent = e, this._bootstrapComponents = n, this._def = r, this._destroyListeners = [], this._destroyed = !1, this.injector = this, function (t) {
      for (var e = t._def, n = t._providers = new Array(e.providers.length), r = 0; r < e.providers.length; r++) {
        var i = e.providers[r];
        4096 & i.flags || void 0 === n[r] && (n[r] = qr(t, i))

  return t.prototype.get = function (t, e, n) {
    void 0 === e && (e = D.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND), void 0 === n && (n = 0);
    var r = 0;
    return 4 & n ? r |= 1 : 2 & n && (r |= 4), Hr(this, {token: t, tokenKey: $n(t), flags: r}, e)
  }, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "instance", {
    get: function () {
      return this.get(this._moduleType)
    }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0
  }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "componentFactoryResolver", {
    get: function () {
      return this.get(Bt)
    }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0
  }), t.prototype.destroy = function () {
    if (this._destroyed)throw new Error("The ng module " + k(this.instance.constructor) + " has already been destroyed.");
    this._destroyed = !0, function (t, e) {
      for (var n = t._def, r = new Set, i = 0; i < n.providers.length; i++)if (131072 & n.providers[i].flags) {
        var o = t._providers[i];
        if (o && o !== Fr) {
          var a = o.ngOnDestroy;
          "function" != typeof a || r.has(o) || (a.apply(o), r.add(o))
    }(this), this._destroyListeners.forEach(function (t) {
      return t()
  }, t.prototype.onDestroy = function (t) {
  }, t
}(), fi = $n(function () {
}), di = $n(ke), yi = $n(Oe), mi = $n(Ae), vi = $n(je), gi = $n(Pe), _i = $n(D), bi = $n(P);


function Fi(t, e, n, r) {
  var i = Hn(t, e);
  if (i) {
    var o = i.instance;
    o && (Gn.setCurrentNode(t, e), 1048576 & n && Bn(t, 512, r) && o.ngAfterContentInit(), 2097152 & n && o.ngAfterContentChecked(), 4194304 & n && Bn(t, 768, r) && o.ngAfterViewInit(), 8388608 & n && o.ngAfterViewChecked(), 131072 & n && o.ngOnDestroy())
like image 741
ama Avatar asked Aug 12 '18 18:08


People also ask

Why ngOnDestroy is not working?

The data does not persist! ngOnDestroy doesn't get called because some components do not get destroyed when navigating to a different route.

How to use ngOnDestroy in Angular?

ngOnDestroy() gets called when a component is about to be destroyed. Notice how the example "destroys" the child component via the conditional ngIf='showChild'. By toggling the value of showChild, Angular creates and destroys the child component each time this value changes.

When to call ngOnDestroy?

Only when Angular2 removes the component from the DOM because you move away or you call destroy() on a dynamically created component, then ngOnDestroy() is called. You can listen to beforeunload and unload yourself if you need some action to happen before the application is destroyed by the browser.

Can we use ngOnDestroy in Angular service?

Angular Services also have an ngOnDestroy method, just like Angular components. This lifecycle can be helpful when we create and destroy services that need to run some cleanup work when the component is destroyed.

1 Answers

My solution for the issue was to run the build process without the build-optimizer. Either force the flag to false:

ng build --prod --build-optimizer=false

or in angular.json set it to false in the configurations section:

"configurations": {
  "production": {
    "optimization": true,
    "outputHashing": "all",
    "sourceMap": false,
    "extractCss": true,
    "namedChunks": false,
    "aot": true,
    "extractLicenses": true,
    "vendorChunk": false,
    "buildOptimizer": false,
    "fileReplacements": [
        "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts",
        "with": "src/environments/environment.prod.ts"
    "serviceWorker": true

Problem is fixed with Angular 7

like image 52
ama Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10
