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TypeError: Cannot read property '_rawValidators' of null after Ng build

I am new to angular. I am dynamically rendering some fields into my reactive form. Everything works great when I am using ng serve with a mock request (i.e. rendering happens properly, no error in the console.log). As soon as I build the project with ng build and use a proper backend, I get the error for each field I am rendering dynamically:

main.js:1 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property '_rawValidators' of null 

I couldn't find any background on this error. I would love to hear your thoughts.

more background

// these fields change with selection
this.datafields = [{
              dfId: 48,
              dfName: "Phone",
              dfType: "text",
              dfOptions: null,
              dfValue: ""
              dfId: 49,
              dfName: "Eval",
              dfType: "select",
              dfOptions: ["","Remote","Live"],
              df_value: "",

typescript rendering in ngOnInit (tried ngAfterViewInit with no improvement)

dfGroup = new FormGroup({})

 this.eyeForm = this.formBuilder.group({
      focus: ['', Validators.required],
 datafields: this.formBuilder.array([])


  if (this.datafields != null || this.datafields != undefined) {
  this.datafields.forEach((x:any) => {
          this.dfGroup.setControl(x.dfName, new FormControl(x.dfValue));

and HTML looks like the following:

 <div [formGroup]="dfGroup">
   <div class="row pt-2" *ngFor="let field of datafields; let i=index">
      <div class="col-4 d-flex align-items-center 13required">
      <div class="col-6">
         <mat-form-field *ngIf="field.dfType == 'text'" appearance="outline">
            *ngIf="field.dfType == 'select'"
            <mat-select [formControlName]="field.dfName" placeholder="">
               *ngFor="let option of field.dfOptions"
               {{ option }}
like image 482
Grayrigel Avatar asked Sep 02 '21 10:09


Video Answer

2 Answers

I ran in to this situation when I was mocking out my template and typo'd my formControlName attribute.

<mycomponent formControlName="bogusfieldSpelledWrong" ...>

Why Angular showed it as this error likely has something to do with how the component was initializing/changing the form.

like image 59
tylerherzog Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11


it must be about formControlName. check out your form control names in ts file and html file. for nested groups you can use formGroupName, then use formControlName.

this.yourForm = this.fb.group({
    name: [''],
    contact: this.fb.group({
      address: ['']
<form [formGroup]="yourForm">
  <input type="text" formControlName="name" />
  <div formGroupName="contact">
    <input type="text" formControlName="address" />
like image 34
Zuby128 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
