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TypeError: $.ajax(...) is not a function?





I'm creating a simple AJAX request which returns some data from a database. Here's my function below:

function AJAXrequest(url, postedData, callback) {     $.ajax({         type: 'POST',         url: url,         data: postedData,         dataType: 'json',         success: callback     }); } 

Here's where I call it, providing the required parameters:

AJAXrequest('voting.ajax.php', imageData, function(data) {     // function body }); 

Yet, the callback does not run, and instead I get an error in the console:

TypeError: $.ajax(...) is not a function. 

Why? I've done AJAX requests before where the success event triggers an anonymous function inside of $.ajax, but now I'm trying to run a separately-named function. How do I go about this?

like image 570
marked-down Avatar asked Aug 16 '13 10:08


People also ask

Why is Ajax not a function?

AJAX is not a programming language. It requires a built-in browser with the XMLHttpRequest object that requests data from the server, and it uses JavaScript and HTML DOM to display data.

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The ajax() method in jQuery is used to perform an AJAX request or asynchronous HTTP request. Parameters: The list of possible values are given below: type: It is used to specify the type of request. url: It is used to specify the URL to send the request to.

Is not a function Typeerror is not a function?

This is a standard JavaScript error when trying to call a function before it is defined. This error occurs if you try to execute a function that is not initialized or is not initialized correctly. This means that the expression did not return a function object.

1 Answers

Neither of the answers here helped me. The problem was: I was using the slim build of jQuery, which had some things removed, ajax being one of them.

The solution: Just download the regular (compressed or not) version of jQuery here and include it in your project.

like image 78
Gus Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
