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Type of optionals cannot be inferred correctly in swift 2.2





When running the following code under Xcode 7.3 with swift 2.2, the compiler is unable to correctly infer the type of the optional:

import Foundation

func whatAmI<T>(inout property:T?)
    switch property {
    case is Int?:
        print("I am an Int?")
    case is String?:
        print("I am a String?")
        print("I don't know what I am")

var string : String?

On my side with Xcode 7.3 this will print I am an Int?

However, when I initialize the variable with an empty string before passing it to the function, the switch infers it to be a String?.

This would print I am a String? in the previous Xcode version.

Are you getting similar results?


The same occurs when using this function signature:

func whatAmI(property:AnyObject?)

-- Bug --

This issue is a regression in swift 2.2: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-1024

like image 469
schmittsfn Avatar asked Mar 22 '16 17:03


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1 Answers

This seems to be a bug. The minimal example is the following:

func genericMethod<T>(property: T?) {
    print(T) // String

    let stringNil = Optional<String>.None

    print(stringNil is String?) // true (warning - always true)    
    print(stringNil is T?) // true

    let intNil = Optional<Int>.None

    print(intNil is String?) // false (warning - always fails)
    print(intNil is T?) // true - BUG

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Sulthan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10
