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Detect Single Modifier Key Change in UIKit for Mac (Catalyst)

I am porting an iOS app on MacOS using UIKit for Mac also known as iPad Apps for Mac or Project Catalyst.

The app uses keyCommands from UIKit to detect a single modifier key press:

UIKeyCommand(input: "", modifierFlags: .shift, action: #selector(singleShift))

This code works perfectly on iPad with an external keyboard, I am getting the event fired with every single ⇧ press. However, this does not work on MacOS, although single non-modifier events and modifier + non-modifier combinations work.

How do I achieve the desired behavior and get notified about single modifier key events?

Or maybe I should just give up on UIKeyCommand and try UIGestureRecognizer instead?

like image 964
Dmitriy Avatar asked Sep 26 '19 19:09


1 Answers

This may not be your problem make sure you don't have any keyboard apps or apps that intercept keyboard input running. I had a problem like this when I had Karibeaner-elements installed.

Otherwise, if this is a limitation of catalyst consider wrapping a more stable API from app kit or use UIGestureRecognizer.

like image 175
Matthew Weldon Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10

Matthew Weldon