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Two-way extensible hierarchy with Java

My question is about implementing different behaviours for different messages in an as extensible way as possible. I am aware of the visitor pattern, I am aware of double-dispatch, but I can't seem to figure out a solution, which satiesfies me (not within the limits of java at least).

My situation is as follows:

I have a hierarchy of Messages:

Message Hierarchy

and a hierarchy of router-interfaces, each defining a route method for its own message-type:

Router-Interface Hierarchy

which I would like to implement similar to this:


to be able to add and remove the capability to route certain messages, as well as to change routing-strategies for certain messages easily.

The problem is, that without switch-casting my message, which I don't want to do, I cannot select the respective function for the interface, because something like

CompositeRouter comp = new AllRouter(...//new Router instances);
MessageBase msg = new DerivedMessage();

will lead to java selecting the overload <runtime message-type>.process(Router)

at compile time, which, at runtime, is invoked for the respective router object. So I cannot select the right calls to process() at compile time it seems. I can also not do it the other way round, because comp.route(msg)

will be resolved to <dynamic router-type>.route(MessageBase).

I could write a visitor, which selects the proper method from CompositeRouter, but therefor I would have to define the visitor interface with the respective route-Methods defined for all the MessageTypes up front, which kind of defeats the purpose, because it means that I have to rewrite the visitor whenever I add a new DerivedMessage.

Is there a way to implement this such that both Message and Router are extensible or is it hopeless given the current java-features?

Edit 1:

Something I forgot to mention is that I have 4 or 5 other situations, which are pretty much the same as the Router-hierarchy, so I kind of want to avoid Reflection for method-lookup, because I am afraid of the runtime-cost.

Response to comments:

  1. @aruisdante's assumption regarding @bot's suggestion is correct. I cannot Override, because I would loose the runtime-type of MessageBase, if I override route(MessageBase).

  2. @aruisdante and @geceo: I know that I can do that - this what I meant with "switch-casting" (MessageBase has a MessageType field) - but I have like 11 actual message classes and ~6 locations in code where I need it, so it would be a HUGE pain implementation- as well as maintenance-wise.

like image 643
midor Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 15:03


1 Answers

Here is how I've typically solved problems like this in the past:

First, in your Router interface, since it seems you intend most Router implementations with the exception of the Composite to handle only a single message type, change the definition of the interface to something similar to:

interface Router<T extends MessageBase> {
    void route(T message);


This removes the need to provide interfaces for the various Routers that handle specific implementations. Your derived Router classes then become something like:

class OtherDerivedRouter implements Router<OtherDerivedMessage> {

    void route(OtherDerivedMessage message) { //... };


So now what happens in CompositeRouter? Well, we do something like this:

class CompositeRouter implements Router<MessageBase> {

    protected static class RouterAdaptor< T extends MessageBase> implements Router<MessageBase> {

         private Router<T> router;
         private Class<T>  klass;

         RouterAdaptor(Router<T> router, Class<T> klass) {
             this.router = router;
             this.klass  = klass;

         public void route(MessageBase message) {
            try {
            } (catch ClassCastException e) {
                // Do whatever, something's gone wrong if this happens

     private Map<Class<?>, RouterAdaptor<?>> routerMap;

     public void route(MessageBase message) {
         RouterAdaptor<?> adaptor = routerMap.get(message.getClass());
         if (adaptor != null) {
         } else {
           // do your default routing case here

     public <T extends MessageBase> void registerRouter(Router<T> router, Class<T> klass) {
         // Right now don't check for overwrite of existing registration, could do so here
         routerMap.put(klass, new RouterAdaptor<T>(router, kass));

     CompositeRouter(/*...*/) {
         //initialize routerMap with Map type of choice, etc


The RouterAdaptor does the heavy lifting of dispatching the correct message type expected by the Router implementation it holds. And leaves CompositeRouter needing only to store a registry of these adaptors to their message type.

The biggest downside of this approach is that, thanks to Type Erasure, there is no way to create a Router implementation that handles more than one message type by itself directly. From Java's prospective, at runtime Router<MessageBase> is the same as Router<OtherDerivedMessage>, and thus it is illegal to have something like SuperRouter implements Router<MessageBase>, Router<OtherDerivedMessage>, unlike you could with C++ templates. This is also why you need to pass explisit Class<T> objects around rather than just being able to infer the type directly from Router<T>.

like image 152
aruisdante Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
