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Two way binding with URL get params and Form value (options and sliderbar)

Currently, I can fetch the GET params via $location.$$search.

However, I still have no idea how to do 2 way binding for the URL and FORM on the following case.

As the following demo picture, when user updates the FORM elements the corresponding URL should be: https://lazyair.co/en/user/quick_search/index#?from=TOKYO&to=TAIPEI&depart=2016/06/03~2016/06/06&return=2016/06/08~2016/06/11&chart_type=column&depart_slider=10:00~24:00


Demo page: https://lazyair.co/en/user/quick_search/index

Sliderbar directive JavaScript code

  'use strict';


      var get_hour_minute, getHHMMformat, isDepartureAtInInterval;

      get_hour_minute = function(value) {
        var hours, minutes;
        hours = Math.floor(value / 60);
        minutes = value - (hours * 60);
        if (hours.length === 1) {
          hours = '0' + hours;
        if (minutes.length === 1) {
          minutes = '0' + minutes;
        return [hours, minutes];

      getHHMMformat = function(values) {
        var hours, minutes;

              hours = values[0].toString();
              minutes = values[1].toString();
              if (hours.length === 1) {
                hours = '0' + hours;
              if (minutes.length === 1) {
                minutes = '0' + minutes;
              return hours + ':' + minutes;
      isDepartureAtInInterval = function(departure_at, slider){
          var t = new Date(Date.parse(departure_at))
          var HHMM_in_minutes = t.getUTCHours()*60 + t.getMinutes();
          return slider.from <= HHMM_in_minutes && slider.to >= HHMM_in_minutes;
      var updateFlighSeries = function(slider, flight_series) {
        $.each(flight_series, function() {
            var current_series = this;
            angular.forEach(current_series.data, function(value, key) {
                  if(isDepartureAtInInterval(value.departure_at, slider)){
                      this.visible = true ;
                      this.visible = false ;
              }, current_series);
          scope: false,
          controller: 'quick_search_ctrl',

          link:function(scope, element, attr, ctrl){
                      hide_min_max: true,
                      keyboard: true,
                      min: 0,
                      max: 1440,
                      from: 0,
                      to: 1440,
                      type: 'double',
                      step: 30,
                      prefix: "",
                      chartConfig: element.attr("chart-config"),
                      grid: true,
                      prettify: function (value) {
                        return getHHMMformat(get_hour_minute(value));
                      onChange: function(slider) {
                          var _this = this;
                          updateFlighSeries(slider, scope[_this.chartConfig].series)
                          angular.forEach(scope.chart_names, function(chart_cfg_name){
                                scope.$apply(function () {
                                  scope.lowestFlights[chart_cfg_name]  = angular.copy(scope.filterLowestPrice(scope[chart_cfg_name]))
                          }, scope)


<ui-select.selectpicker{:theme => "select2", "ng-disabled" => "disabled", "ng-model" => "from", :name => "from", :theme => "select2", "ng-change"=>"updateDeparture(from)", :style => "width: 200px;", :required => "" }
  <ui-select-match{ "ng-cloak"=>"", :placeholder => t("from") } {{$select.selected.t_name}}  {{$select.selected.name}}</ui>
<ui-select.selectpicker{"ng-disabled" => "disabled", "ng-model" => "to", :name => "to", :theme => "select2", "ng-change"=>"updateArrival(to)", :style => "width: 200px;", :required => ""}
  <ui-select-match.selectpicker{"ng-cloak"=>"", :placeholder => t("to")}  {{$select.selected.t_name}} {{$select.selected.name}}</ui>
  <ui-select-choices{:repeat => "node in arrivals | filter: $select.search" }
    <span ng-bind-html="node.t_name | highlight: $select.search"></span>
    <span ng-bind-html="node.name | highlight: $select.search"></span>

url params were cleared in $rootScope.Scope#$digest cycle


I put a breakpoint inside $locationChangeSuccess and found the url params were cleared in $rootScope.Scope#$digest cycle

app.run(function ($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function () {
        console.log('$locationChangeSuccess changed!', new Date());

The 2-way binding not working on directive

The 2-way binding not working on directive, Actually the 2-way binding works on View, but not working on URL params


DEMO page

controller(register departChartName and show its value with input box)

  $scope.departChartName = "yoyoyo"
  urlBinder.bind($scope, "departChartName", "DPNAME")

slider directive

        scope: false,
        link:function(scope, element, attr, ctrl){
                    chartName: element.attr("chart-name"),
                    onChange: function(slider) {
                        scope[this.chartName] = slider.from+"~"+slider.to


like image 698
newBike Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 12:10


1 Answers

You can create a service to do a two way binding to a URL parameter:

angular.module('app').service('urlBinder', ['$location', function($location) {
    this.bind = function(
        scope,         // angular scope
        varName,       // string : name of the variable on the scope to bind to
        urlParamName   // string : name of the url parameter to bind to
        ) {

        // when scope variable changes, update the URL
        var unhookUrlUpdater = scope.$watch(varName, function(newValue) {
            $location.search(urlParamName, newValue);

        // when the URL changes, update the scope variable
        var unhookScopeUpdater = scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
            var value = $location.search()[urlParamName];

            if (!angular.equals(scope[varName], value)) {
                scope[varName] = value;

        // return a function that can be called to remove the bindings
        return function() {

You can also do the same thing with getter/setter function instead of varName if the things you are binding aren't on the scope:

angular.module('app').service('urlBinder', ['$location', function($location) {
    this.bind = function(scope, getter, setter, urlParamName) {
        var unhookUrlUpdater = scope.$watch(getter, function(newValue) {
            $location.search(urlParamName, newValue);

        var unhookScopeUpdater = scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
            var value = $location.search()[urlParamName];

            if (!angular.equals(getter(), value)) {

        return function() {

In your controller:

var someVariable;
    function() { return someVariable; },
    function(value) { someVariable = value; },
like image 98
Mike Jerred Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Mike Jerred