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Requests for referrer are blocked when trying to sign in anonymously to Firebase

I’m trying to sign in anonymously from a Web app using the JS SDK and it works great on some environments, but on one environment, the exact same code that’s working elsewhere is giving me a 403:

(index):64 {“error”:{“code”:403,“message”:“Requests from referer https://myapp.firebaseapp.com/ are blocked.“,”errors”:[{“message”:“Requests from referer https://myapp.firebaseapp.com/ are blocked.“,”domain”:“global”,“reason”:“forbidden”}],“status”:“PERMISSION_DENIED”}}

Yet I think I checked everything is the same in all environments: anonymous authentication is enabled and my web app is on Firebase Hosting so the code should be environment-independent.

Any idea where else this could come from?

like image 879
Sebastien Avatar asked Jan 07 '19 10:01


People also ask

How do I fix Invalid API key firebase?

Make sure you've got the API keys set correctly in your Google Developer Console for your Firebase project. Show activity on this post. There are two different configurations for release mode and test mode. make sure that you use the API key which is related to each.

2 Answers

It seems like you have set some referrer restrictions on your API key. You need to go to the Google Cloud Console and modify these restrictions on your API key.

like image 75
bojeil Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10


This helped for me:

console cloud google -> APIs & services -> credentials -> click on: browser key (auto created by firebase) -> application restrictions: none & API restrictions: don't restrict key.

Now your API won't block any requests. I hope this works!

like image 22
Douwe Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
