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Twitter "View Summary" button

I noticed on Hollywood Reporter that within their tweets they have a "view summary" button, which when clicked on, gives you a preview of a post on their site with a title, excerpt, and preview picture.

enter image description here

Any clue as to where some documentation is on how to accomplish this? Ive browsed the twitter API for a bit and had no success finding anything.

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Romes Avatar asked Aug 09 '12 16:08


People also ask

How can I see my viewing history on Twitter?

Go to the accounts section and input your Twitter handle to search Twitter history from your account. You can further customize search results with various keywords and hashtags or time to get relevant results. Below you will have a “dates” option where you can look at your Twitter history from a certain date range.

Do Twitter Cards still exist?

From a manual creation perspective, Twitter Cards have always been supported in the Twitter Ad platform and allow you to design a custom creative to add to your tweet that when clicked will drive people to your website or app.

What is a Twitter summary card?

The Summary Card can be used for many kinds of web content, from blog posts and news articles, to products and restaurants. It is designed to give the reader a preview of the content before clicking through to your website. The Tweet below shows a Summary Card (photo and text) below the text of the Tweet: Twitter.

1 Answers

According to Twitter To Tweet More Interactive Content by Social Bakers

"We followed the Wall Street Journal on Twitter to see how it works. When the Tweet contains a link to an article on its website, you will see the View Summary option instead of Expand. The summary will provide you with the article´s preview, sometimes even Twitter accounts of the publishers and writers. And when you click anywhere on the preview, you will get navigated to the article on the website. The number of retweets and favorites will appear as before. You can continue to read the article, follow these accounts, reply, favorite or retweet the Tweet just as you are used to."

Apparently all you need is a link to your content. However, I'm sure there's more to this because it doesn't always seem to work.

** EDIT **

It's actually called a Twitter Card and here is the documentation for Twitter Cards

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Jacksonkr Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10
