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Twitter SDK on iOS with standard UI

I am looking for the SDK to integrate Twitter into my iOS App. I have done research, and seem that MGTwitterEngine is what most people recommend. However, MGTwitterEngine only provides access to the Twitter API, but not the UI.

I also looked a few iPhone app with Twitter integration, such as SCVNGR, FriendsAroundMe, Hashable, they all have the same login page. However, I couldn't find out what SDK these apps use.

I wonder whether there is any SDK release (from Twitter would be the best), which includes both the SDK with standard UI implementation, and some demo code.

Thanks for your advice.


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Steve Chang Avatar asked Jan 04 '11 19:01

Steve Chang

2 Answers

The login UI for these apps is probably a UIWebView. I say probably because I haven't seen those apps that you've mentioned. The login for Twitter is usually handled in a UIWebView, because Twitter requires OAuth. Since the login is done in a UIWebView, Twitter actually provides that UI.

I would recommend ShareKit for basic Twitter interactions, like posting. ShareKit handles the UIWebView for you. edit: ShareKit (0.2.1) seems to have some memory leak issues. Use at your own risk.

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Moshe Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10


I have a project that builds oAuth and streaming on top of MGTE. The project includes a demo that does authentication in a web view, and streams tweets to a table view.


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Tim Shi Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10

Tim Shi