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Twitter image encoding challenge [closed]

image files and python source (version 1 and 2)

Version 1 Here is my first attempt. I will update as I go.

I have got the SO logo down to 300 characters almost lossless. My technique uses conversion to SVG vector art so it works best on line art. It is actually an SVG compressor, it still requires the original art go through a vectorisation stage.

For my first attempt I used an online service for the PNG trace however there are MANY free and non-free tools that can handle this part including potrace (open-source).

Here are the results

Original SO Logo http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/so-logo.png Original Decoded SO Logo http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/so-logo-decoded.png After encoding and decoding

Characters: 300

Time: Not measured but practically instant (not including vectorisation/rasterisation steps)

The next stage will be to embed 4 symbols (SVG path points and commands) per unicode character. At the moment my python build does not have wide character support UCS4 which limits my resolution per character. I've also limited the maximum range to the lower end of the unicode reserved range 0xD800 however once I build a list of allowed characters and a filter to avoid them I can theoretically push the required number of characters as low as 70-100 for the logo above.

A limitation of this method at present is the output size is not fixed. It depends on number of vector nodes/points after vectorisation. Automating this limit will require either pixelating the image (which removes the main benefit of vectors) or repeated running the paths through a simplification stage until the desired node count is reached (which I'm currently doing manually in Inkscape).

Version 2

UPDATE: v2 is now qualified to compete. Changes:

  • Command-line control input/output and debugging
  • Uses XML parser (lxml) to handle SVG instead of regex
  • Packs 2 path segments per unicode symbol
  • Documentation and cleanup
  • Support style="fill:color" and fill="color"
  • Document width/height packed into single character
  • Path color packed into single character
  • Color compression is acheived by throwing away 4bits of color data per color then packing it into a character via hex conversion.

Characters: 133

Time: A few seconds

v2 decoded http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/so-logo-decoded-v2.png After encoding and decoding (version 2)

As you can see there are some artifacts this time. It isn't a limitation of the method but a mistake somewhere in my conversions. The artifacts happen when the points go outside the range 0.0 - 127.0 and my attempts to constrain them have had mixed success. The solution is simply to scale the image down however I had trouble scaling the actual points rather than the artboard or group matrix and I'm too tired now to care. In short, if your points are in the supported range it generally works.

I believe the kink in the middle is due to a handle moving to the other side of a handle it's linked to. Basically the points are too close together in the first place. Running a simplify filter over the source image in advance of compressing it should fix this and shave of some unnecessary characters.

UPDATE: This method is fine for simple objects so I needed a way to simplify complex paths and reduce noise. I used Inkscape for this task. I've had some luck with grooming out unnecessary paths using Inkscape but not had time to try automating it. I've made some sample svgs using the Inkscape 'Simplify' function to reduce the number of paths.

Simplify works ok but it can be slow with this many paths.

autotrace example http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/autotrace_16_color_manual_reduction.png cornell box http://www.warriorhut.com/graphics/svg_to_unicode/cornell_box_simplified.png lena http://www.warriorhut.com/graphics/svg_to_unicode/lena_std_washed_autotrace.png

thumbnails traced http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/competition_thumbnails_autotrace.png

Here's some ultra low-res shots. These would be closer to the 140 character limit though some clever path compression may be need as well.

groomed http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/competition_thumbnails_groomed.png Simplified and despeckled.

trianglulated http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/competition_thumbnails_triangulated.png Simplified, despeckled and triangulated.

autotrace --output-format svg --output-file cornell_box.svg --despeckle-level 20 --color-count 64 cornell_box.png

ABOVE: Simplified paths using autotrace.

Unfortunately my parser doesn't handle the autotrace output so I don't know how may points are in use or how far to simplify, sadly there's little time for writing it before the deadline. It's much easier to parse than the inkscape output though.

Alright, here's mine: nanocrunch.cpp and the CMakeLists.txt file to build it using CMake. It relies on the Magick++ ImageMagick API for most of its image handling. It also requires the GMP library for bignum arithmetic for its string encoding.

I based my solution off of fractal image compression, with a few unique twists. The basic idea is to take the image, scale down a copy to 50% and look for pieces in various orientations that look similar to non-overlapping blocks in the original image. It takes a very brute force approach to this search, but that just makes it easier to introduce my modifications.

The first modification is that instead of just looking at ninety degree rotations and flips, my program also considers 45 degree orientations. It's one more bit per block, but it helps the image quality immensely.

The other thing is that storing a contrast/brightness adjustment for each of color component of each block is way too expensive. Instead, I store a heavily quantized color (the palette has only 4 * 4 * 4 = 64 colors) that simply gets blended in in some proportion. Mathematically, this is equivalent to a variable brightness and constant contrast adjustment for each color. Unfortunately, it also means there's no negative contrast to flip the colors.

Once it's computed the position, orientation and color for each block, it encodes this into a UTF-8 string. First, it generates a very large bignum to represent the data in the block table and the image size. The approach to this is similar to Sam Hocevar's solution -- kind of a large number with a radix that varies by position.

Then it converts that into a base of whatever the size of the character set available is. By default, it makes full use of the assigned unicode character set, minus the less than, greater than, ampersand, control, combining, and surrogate and private characters. It's not pretty but it works. You can also comment out the default table and select printable 7-bit ASCII (again excluding <, >, and & characters) or CJK Unified Ideographs instead. The table of which character codes are available is stored a run-length encoded with alternating runs of invalid and valid characters.

Anyway, here are some images and times (as measured on my old 3.0GHz P4), and compressed to 140 characters in the full assigned unicode set described above. Overall, I'm fairly pleased with how they all turned out. If I had more time to work on this, I'd probably try to reduce the blockiness of the decompressed images. Still, I think the results are pretty good for the extreme compression ratio. The decompressed images are bit impressionistic, but I find it relatively easy to see how bits correspond to the original.

Stack Overflow Logo (8.6s to encode, 7.9s to decode, 485 bytes):

Lena (32.8s to encode, 13.0s to decode, 477 bytes):
http://i42.tinypic.com/2rr49wg.png http://i40.tinypic.com/2rhxxyu.png

Mona Lisa (43.2s to encode, 14.5s to decode, 490 bytes):
http://i41.tinypic.com/ekgwp3.png http://i43.tinypic.com/ngsxep.png

Edit: CJK Unified Characters

Sam asked in the comments about using this with CJK. Here's a version of the Mona Lisa compressed to 139 characters from the CJK Unified character set:

http://i43.tinypic.com/2yxgdfk.png 咏璘驞凄脒鵚据蛥鸂拗朐朖辿韩瀦魷歪痫栘璯緍脲蕜抱揎頻蓼債鑡嗞靊寞柮嚛嚵籥聚隤慛絖銓馿渫櫰矍昀鰛掾撄粂敽牙稉擎蔍螎葙峬覧絀蹔抆惫冧笻哜搀澐芯譶辍澮垝黟偞媄童竽梀韠镰猳閺狌而羶喙伆杇婣唆鐤諽鷍鴞駫搶毤埙誖萜愿旖鞰萗勹鈱哳垬濅鬒秀瞛洆认気狋異闥籴珵仾氙熜謋繴茴晋髭杍嚖熥勳縿餅珝爸擸萿

The tuning parameters at the top of the program that I used for this were: 19, 19, 4, 4, 3, 10, 11, 1000, 1000. I also commented out the first definition of number_assigned and codes, and uncommented out the last definitions of them to select the CJK Unified character set.

My full solution can be found at http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/img2twit. It has the following features:

  • Reasonable compression time (around 1 minute for high quality)
  • Fast decompression (a fraction of a second)
  • Keeps the original image size (not just the aspect ratio)
  • Decent reconstruction quality (IMHO)
  • Message length and character set (ASCII, CJK, Symbols) can be chosen at runtime
  • Message length and character set are autodetected at decompression time
  • Very efficient information packing

http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/so-logo.png http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/twitter4.png


Here is a rough overview of the encoding process:

  • The number of available bits is computed from desired message length and usable charset
  • The source image is segmented into as many square cells as the available bits permit
  • A fixed number of points (currently 2) is affected to each cell, with initial coordinates and colour values
  • The following is repeated until a quality condition is met:
    • A point is chosen a random
    • An operation is performed at random on this point (moving it inside its cell, changing its colour)
    • If the resulting image (see the decoding process below) is closer to the source image, the operation is kept
  • The image size and list of points is encoded in UTF-8

And this is the decoding process:

  • The image size and points are read from the UTF-8 stream
  • For each pixel in the destination image:
    • The list of natural neigbours is computed
    • The pixel's final colour is set as a weighted average of its natural neighbours' colours

What I believe is the most original part of the program is the bitstream. Instead of packing bit-aligned values (stream <<= shift; stream |= value), I pack arbitrary values that are not in power-of-two ranges (stream *= range; stream += value). This requires bignum computations and is of course a lot slower, but it gives me 2009.18 bits instead of 1960 when using the 20902 main CJK characters (that's three more points I can put in the data). And when using ASCII, it gives me 917.64 bits instead of 840.

I decided against a method for the initial image computation that would have required heavy weaponry (corner detection, feature extraction, colour quantisation...) because I wasn't sure at first it would really help. Now I realise convergence is slow (1 minute is acceptable but it's slow nonetheless) and I may try to improve on that.

The main fitting loop is loosely inspired from the Direct Binary Seach dithering algorithm (where pixels are randomly swapped or flipped until a better halftone is obtained). The energy computation is a simple root-mean-square distance, but I perform a 5x5 median filter on the original image first. A Gaussian blur would probably better represent the human eye behaviour, but I didn't want to lose sharp edges. I also decided against simulated annealing or other difficult to tune methods because I don't have months to calibrate the process. Thus the "quality" flag just represents the number of iterations that are performed on each point before the encoder ends.

http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/Mona_Lisa_scaled.jpg http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/twitter2.png


Even though not all images compress well, I'm surprised by the results and I really wonder what other methods exist that can compress an image to 250 bytes.

I also have small movies of the encoder state's evolution from a random initial state and from a "good" initial state.

Edit: here is how the compression method compares with JPEG. On the left, jamoes's above 536-byte picture. On the right, Mona Lisa compressed down to 534 bytes using the method described here (the bytes mentioned here refer to data bytes, therefore ignoring bits wasted by using Unicode characters):

http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/minimona.jpg http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/minimona2.png

Edit: just replaced CJK text with the newest versions of the images.

The following isn't a formal submission, since my software hasn't been tailored in any way for the indicated task. DLI can be described as an optimizing general purpose lossy image codec. It's the PSNR and MS-SSIM record holder for image compression, and I thought it would be interesting to see how it performs for this particular task. I used the reference Mona Lisa image provided and scaled it down to 100x150 then used DLI to compress it to 344 bytes.

Mona Lisa DLI http://i40.tinypic.com/2md5q4m.png

For comparison with the JPEG and IMG2TWIT compressed samples, I used DLI to compress the image to 534 bytes as well. The JPEG is 536 bytes and IMG2TWIT is 534 bytes. Images have been scaled up to approximately the same size for easy comparison. JPEG is the left image, IMG2TWIT is center, and DLI is the right image.

Comparison http://i42.tinypic.com/302yjdg.png

The DLI image manages to preserve some of the facial features, most notably the famous smile :).

The general overview of my solution would be:

  1. I start with calculating the maximum amount of raw data that you can fit into 140 utf8 characters.
    • (I am assuming utf8, which is what the original website claimed twitter stored it's messages in. This differs from the problem statement above, which asks for utf16.)
    • Using this utf8 faq, I calculate that the maximum number of bits you can encode in a single utf8 character is 31 bits. In order to do this, I would use all characters that are in the U-04000000 – U-7FFFFFFF range. (1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx, there are 31 x's, therefore I could encode up to 31 bits).
    • 31 bits times 140 characters equals 4340 bits. Divide that by 8 to get 524.5, and round that down to 542 bytes.
    • (If we restrict ourselves to utf16, then we could only store 2 bytes per character, which would equal 280 bytes).
  2. Compress the image down using standard jpg compression.
    • Resize the image to be approximately 50x50px, then attempt to compress it at various compression levels until you have an image that is as close to 542 bytes as possible without going over.
    • This is an example of the mona lisa compressed down to 536 bytes.
  3. Encode the raw bits of the compressed image into utf-8 characters.
    • Replace each x in the following bytes: 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx, with the bits from the image.
    • This part would probably be the part where the majority of the code would need to be written, because there isn't anything that currently exists that does this.

I know that you were asking for code, but I don't really want to spend the time to actually code this up. I figured that an efficient design might at least inspire someone else to code this up.

I think the major benefit of my proposed solution is that it is reusing as much existing technology as possible. It may be fun to try to write a good compression algorithm, but there is guaranteed to be a better algorithm out there, most likely written by people who have a degree in higher math.

One other important note though is that if it is decided that utf16 is the preferred encoding, then this solution falls apart. jpegs don't really work when compressed down to 280 bytes. Although, maybe there is a better compression algorithm than jpg for this specific problem statement.