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Twitter embedded timeline 100% width





I have a Twitter embedded timeline running on this page.

Via CSS, I've added the following class:

.twitter-timeline {
     min-width: 100% !important;

Up until yesterday, this CSS was successfully extending the timeline to the full width of the content area, but today the style does not work.

I can see that Twitter have the following style running within the iframe:

.timeline {
     max-width: 520px;

I assume this is something that Twitter have added recently. Is there anything I can do to overwrite this? I've tried adding the following to my CSS class, but it hasn't worked:

.twitter-timeline {
     min-width: 100% !important;
     width: 100% !important;

I'm aware that I can tap into the Twitter API to create a custom feed, but we do not have access to the artists Twitter account to generate access tokens etc.

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Sam Avatar asked Jun 25 '15 11:06


People also ask

How do I change the size of an embedded tweet?

The Embed Tweet feature is really meant to be used inline within articles and not in contexts like sidebars. As such, there are no width adjustments available. That being said, embedded Tweets do narrow themselves down a bit if you stick them in a smaller containing block. Looks like they shrink down to about 252px.

What is a twitter timeline?

Your Home timeline displays a stream of Tweets from accounts you have chosen to follow on Twitter. You may see suggested content powered by a variety of signals. You can reply, Retweet, or like a Tweet from within Home.

4 Answers

As mentioned twitter currently does not allow for its timeline widget to get 100% width. For responsive sites this is a pain but there is a solution (for now).

Use a callback on the twitter embed script and point it to a function that alters the iframe styles.

Solution Using Jquery

Replace you twitter embed code (under the <a> tag) with this.

                    !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';
                            js.setAttribute('onload', "twttr.events.bind('rendered',function(e) {responsiveTwitterWidget()});");

                    function responsiveTwitterWidget(){
                        var widget = $("#twitter-widget-0");
                        var frame_style = widget.attr('style');
                        widget.attr('style', frame_style + ' max-width:none !important; width:100%');
                        if(widget) {
                            var head = widget.contents().find("head")
                            if (head.length) {
                                head.append('<style>.timeline { max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; } .timeline .stream { max-width: none !important; width: 100% !important; }</style>');
                            widget.append($('<div class=timeline>'));

Adjustments would need to be made if more than one timeline widget on a page.

May not wont work on some older IE browsers.

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Matt daManic Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 10:11

Matt daManic

This worked for me.


iframe[id^='twitter-widget-0'] {
     height:600px !important;
     margin-bottom:10px !important;
     width:100% !important;


$(window).on('load', function () {
   $('iframe[id^=twitter-widget-]').each(function () {
      var head = $(this).contents().find('head');
          if (head.length) {
              head.append('<style>.timeline { max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; } .timeline .stream { max-width: none !important; width: 100% !important; }</style>');
          $('#twitter-widget-0').append($('<div class=timeline>'));

Found this when surfing internet for the solution.


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Mahesh Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 09:11


simple and works: $('.twitter-timeline').css({width: '100%'});

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born2net Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 10:11


We've found lately that Twitter's fairly new code generator for embedded profile timelines at publish.twitter.com still creates the issue of the timeline overflowing the container width for iOS devices, particularly with width and height settings (and no data-tweet-limit set).

Having tried all of the javascript solutions above to maintain the timelime width=100% of the container, yet constrain the timeline to no more than the container width, we've done so via this added css (with selector potentially proceeded by your additional specificity, as needed):

.twitter-timeline { width: 100vw !important; }

Note that you'll want to be sure the viewport is set, perhaps like so (but as appropriate for your implementation):

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Note also the old shrink-to-fit=no hack no longer seems to have any effect in modern iOS

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rambillo Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 09:11
