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Twitter Bootstrap timepicker without AM/PM button in View side

I have this timepicker with bootstrap: Demo

Now I whant to hide AM/PM, is it possible to do with javascript. Or I will have to remove it from bootstrap.timepicker.js?

I have try with this:

    defaultTime: 'value',
    minuteStep: 1,
    disableFocus: true,
    format: 'HH:mm',
    template: 'dropdown'

But this is not working.

Realy thanks for any help

like image 608
DaniKR Avatar asked Sep 10 '14 14:09


1 Answers

Add option showMeridian as follows,

    defaultTime: 'value',
    minuteStep: 1,
    disableFocus: true,
    template: 'dropdown',

This property has default value as true which makes the API to operate in 12hr mode. By setting it to false turns it to operate in 24hr mode.

like image 58
VPK Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11