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How do I select table row using Jquery?

I am trying to to select a table row using JQuery, but it seems not to fire the .selected event. I have put the code on JSFiddle


I would like a table row selected when the mouse is clicked and change row colour and display an alert message with the selected row information.

I have tried the following but it doesn't work:

    $("td").click(function () {


Any ideas?


like image 834
user142617 Avatar asked Aug 08 '14 08:08


1 Answers

try this: fiddle demo

you can add class each td like: "p" for product, "i" for inf Rate, "n" for note, and get in click event.

js changes:

$("tbody tr").click(function () {
    var product = $('.p',this).html();
    var infRate =$('.i',this).html();
    var note =$('.n',this).html();
    alert(product +','+ infRate+','+ note);

css changes:

table.formatHTML5 tr.selected {
    background-color: #e92929 !important;
    vertical-align: middle;
    padding: 1.5em;
like image 188
Engin Üstün Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Engin Üstün