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Twitter Bootstrap: Print content of modal window

I'm developing a site using Bootstrap which has 28 modal windows with information on different products. I want to be able to print the information in an open modal window. Each window has an id.

<!-- firecell panel & radio hub -->            <div class="modal hide fade" id="fcpanelhub">               <div class="modal-header">                 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">X</button>                 <h3>5000 Control Panel & Radio Hub</h3>               </div>               <div class="modal-body">                 <img src="../site/img/firecell/firecell-panel-info-1.png" alt=""/><hr/>                 <img src="../site/img/firecell/firecell-panel-info-2.png" alt=""/><hr/>                 <img src="../site/img/firecell/firecell-radio-hub-info-1.png" alt=""/><hr/>                 <img src="../site/img/firecell/firecell-radio-hub-info-2.png" alt=""/>               </div>               <div class="modal-footer">                 <a href="#" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Close</a>               </div>                </div> 

So if I add in a new button in modal-footer - 'print', and it's clicked I want that modal to print. Would I be right in saying javascript would be used? If so, how do I tell javascript to print only the open modal, and not the others?

All help appreciated.

like image 435
MattSull Avatar asked Aug 29 '12 15:08


People also ask

How do I display a modal popup?

To trigger the modal window, you need to use a button or a link. Then include the two data-* attributes: data-toggle="modal" opens the modal window. data-target="#myModal" points to the id of the modal.

How can I show data using a modal when clicking a table row using bootstrap?

On each of your <tr> 's add a data attribute for id (i.e. data-id ) with the corresponding id value and specify a data-target , which is a selector you specify, so that when clicked, bootstrap will select that element as modal dialog and show it.

1 Answers

Another solution

Here is a new solution based on Bennett McElwee answer in the same question as mentioned below.

Tested with IE 9 & 10, Opera 12.01, Google Chrome 22 and Firefox 15.0.
jsFiddle example

1.) Add this CSS to your site:

@media screen {   #printSection {       display: none;   } }  @media print {   body * {     visibility:hidden;   }   #printSection, #printSection * {     visibility:visible;   }   #printSection {     position:absolute;     left:0;     top:0;   } } 

2.) Add my JavaScript function

function printElement(elem, append, delimiter) {     var domClone = elem.cloneNode(true);      var $printSection = document.getElementById("printSection");      if (!$printSection) {         $printSection = document.createElement("div");         $printSection.id = "printSection";         document.body.appendChild($printSection);     }      if (append !== true) {         $printSection.innerHTML = "";     }      else if (append === true) {         if (typeof (delimiter) === "string") {             $printSection.innerHTML += delimiter;         }         else if (typeof (delimiter) === "object") {             $printSection.appendChild(delimiter);         }     }      $printSection.appendChild(domClone); }​ 

You're ready to print any element on your site!
Just call printElement() with your element(s) and execute window.print() when you're finished.

Note: If you want to modify the content before it is printed (and only in the print version), checkout this example (provided by waspina in the comments): http://jsfiddle.net/95ezN/121/

One could also use CSS in order to show the additional content in the print version (and only there).

Former solution

I think, you have to hide all other parts of the site via CSS.

It would be the best, to move all non-printable content into a separate DIV:

<body>   <div class="non-printable">     <!-- ... -->   </div>    <div class="printable">     <!-- Modal dialog comes here -->   </div> </body> 

And then in your CSS:

.printable { display: none; }  @media print {     .non-printable { display: none; }     .printable { display: block; } } 

Credits go to Greg who has already answered a similar question: Print <div id="printarea"></div> only?

There is one problem in using JavaScript: the user cannot see a preview - at least in Internet Explorer!

like image 115
ComFreek Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10
