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avatar of ComFreek


ComFreek has asked 39 questions and find answers to 99 problems.


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About me

I am a Computer Science M. Sc. student (they/them). My research interests are knowledge representation and processing of math, and lately also programming language theory.

I contribute to the MMT project (UniFormal/MMT on GitHub), a larger research software written in Scala which lets you formalize a broad range of formal knowledge: math, logic, type theory, and foundations. MMT and many of its algorithms are foundation-independent: with bare MMT, you don't even have natural numbers, let alone functions. The beauty is versatility; the challenge generality.

For more info and publications, see my academic website and personal website.

More hobby-wise, I am dabbling in the Coq Proof Assistant and, e.g., formalized my own flavor of an ontology language and a lambda calculus with de Bruijn indices.

Programming-wise, I also fancy the latest TypeScript/ECMAScript. And I like writing/autogenerating syntax highlighters that succeed on over 15k lines of code.

Feel free to reach out (by posting an issue here)! I always love hearing and chatting about cool things.

Favorite answers...

...either because they are funny, stunning or the best factually correct explanation I've ever found!

  • Simulation of a whole CPU in Conway's Game of Life

  • SOAP overhead explained by Martin Lawrence & Big Mama

  • Following that it is 1 of 7 (15%) I assume it was taxes.
    — zerkms in this comment on one downvote for six upvotes

  • Regex series

  • More regex fun (disclaimer: by myself)

  • Primality testing with regex

  • Not enough jQuery

“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.”
Bill Gates

Some funny names other people have given me

  • ComFreak (with "ae")
  • CompFreek
  • ComicFreek
  • CornFreek
  • ComFreeh