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Twitter bootstrap - changing default width

I'm just geting started with twitter bootstrap and wanted to know what the best approach for changing the default width from 940px to 864px is. I tried using the customize page to change the @gridColumnWidth variable to 50px. which should make the total width 820px but the default width is just adjusted to 1170px after downloading. Should I just leave the default at 940px and nest a div with a width of 864px inside my .row>.span12 divs?

I also tried using the less files but when I try to compile them as css files I get errors that say classes, id's, and variable are undefined.

Thanks for any help,


like image 771
neridaj Avatar asked Jan 15 '23 04:01


1 Answers

It's working fine for me using the customize page.

Make sure to modify @gridColumnWidth, @gridColumnWidth1200, and @gridColumnWidth768 (and optionally @gridGutterWidth*).
The 1170px width you're seeing corresponds to @gridColumnWidth1200.

like image 140
Sara Avatar answered Jan 24 '23 16:01
