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Difference between pre(html tag) and white-space:pre newline omission




I thought pre(html tag) active just like 'white-space:pre'. But it's not.


<p style="white-space:pre;">

<pre> ignore the first and last \n. But <p> keep the first \n and ignore the last one. Why?

jsfiddle test

like image 654
Zachary Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 17:01


2 Answers

The HTML standard states:

Note: In the HTML syntax, a leading newline character immediately following the pre element start tag is stripped.

Read here: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/grouping-content.html#the-pre-element

So, the <pre> element contains this special rule. It seems that if other types of elements have a white-space:pre setting, that rule doesn't apply.

like image 124
Šime Vidas Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 08:01

Šime Vidas

Actually, they are the same. The reason you're getting the space on top for <p>s is because by default <p> adds an empty line above itself so that you can distinguish between paragraphs. <pre> doesn't do that, so you get no extra space there.

like image 31
Phillip Schmidt Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 07:01

Phillip Schmidt