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Twitter Bootstrap and less files

I have coded a Landing page just to try Twitter Bootstrap with Less files. I am not sure if I have organized my less files as it should be.

In the head section of my index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.less" />

Here the content of my bootstrap.less

// Core variables and mixins
@import "less/variables.less"; // Modify this for custom colors, font-sizes, etc
@import "less/mixins.less";

// CSS Reset
@import "less/reset.less";

// Grid system and page structure
@import "less/scaffolding.less";
@import "less/grid.less";
@import "less/layouts.less";

// Base CSS
@import "less/type.less";

// Utility classes
@import "less/utilities.less"; // Has to be last to override when necessary

In my folder "less" i have the following files

  • utilities.less
  • utilities.css
  • variables.less
  • variables.css
  • grid.less
  • grid.css
  • type.less
  • layouts.less
  • mixins.less
  • scaffolding.less
  • reset.less

They are all actually necessary to make my landing page work but I am not sure if this file organization is the best solution. I am bit confused about that, could you help me out and tell me if I am doing well? Is there a better way to organize the files?

Here you see the landing page

like image 800
Koala7 Avatar asked Jan 10 '13 16:01


People also ask

What is less file in Bootstrap?

Less is a CSS preprocessor which makes CSS dynamic. Twitter Bootstrap, on the other hand, is a toolkit to develop web apps and sites fast. In this document, we have discussed using Twitter Bootstrap with Less CSS. This way you can use Bootstrap's Less variables, mixins, and nesting in CSS.

Is Twitter still using Bootstrap?

At Twitter, Bootstrap has quickly become one of our many go-to front-end tools when starting new applications and sites.

Is Bootstrap the same as Twitter Bootstrap?

There's no difference. Twitter Bootstrap was the official name for version 1.0 (Twitter Bootstrap). Later the name has been shortened.

Does Bootstrap work less?

Bootstrap is made with LESS at its core, a dynamic stylesheet language created by our good friend, Alexis Sellier. It makes developing systems-based CSS faster, easier, and more fun.

1 Answers

How you organize your files is entirely up to you, but here's how I normally do it during development:

        layout.css  (compiled from main.less)
            main.less  (imports bootstrap/bootstrap.less)

Usually main.less also imports files like blog.less, forum.less, etc (depending on the site content). This schema lets me include layout.css in the HTML, and either compile the lesscss through a watcher, or on demand.

like image 55
orourkek Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
