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Twig loop index into array

I want to show my string value into my array 'nameComments' with key {{loop.index}} of my comments array, but {{ nameComments[{{ loop.index }}] }} show an error

{% for com in comments %}
    <p>Comment {{ nameComments[{{ loop.index }}] }} : "{{ com['comment'] }}"</p>
{% endfor %}

If I try:

{% for com in comments %}
    <p>Comment {{ nameComments[1] }} : "{{ com['comment'] }}"</p>
{% endfor %}

And the {{ loop.index }} show me value : 1

So how can I implement my loop index into my array?

like image 869
keegzer Avatar asked Jul 08 '13 10:07


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2 Answers

{% for com in comments %}
    <p>Comment {{ nameComments[ loop.index ] }} : "{{ com['comment'] }}"</p>
{% endfor %}

Just leave out the curly brackets. This should work fine. By the way loop.index is 1 indexed. If you loop through an array which normally starts with index 0 you should consider using loop.index0

See the documentation

like image 195
SirDerpington Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10


It is safer to iterate over the real value of the array index and not using loop.index and loop.index0 in case where array indexes do not start in 1 or 0 or do not follow a sequence, or they are not integers.

To do so, just try this:

{% for key,com in comments %}
    <p>Comment {{ nameComments[key] }} : "{{ com['comment'] }}"</p>
{% endfor %}

See the documentation

like image 6
Abraham Covelo Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10

Abraham Covelo