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Tweets with "Media" inside



I see some tweets have some kind of HTML embedded. How is it possible to do this?

enter image description here

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Enrique Moreno Tent Avatar asked Feb 10 '12 11:02

Enrique Moreno Tent

People also ask

What is an embedded Tweet?

Embedded Tweets bring your pick of content from Twitter into your website articles. An embedded Tweet includes photos, video and cards media created for display on Twitter, and can even stream live video from Periscope.

How do I get rid of embed on Twitter?

Deleting an Embedded Tweet depends on how you originally included the Tweet on your website. Search for HTML markup related to the Embedded Tweet on your page. Edit the page and remove the markup around the discovered Embedded Tweet.

Can you embed an embedded Tweet?

As of now it's only available on the iOS and Android apps, and Twitter.com. There's no feature I'm aware of that simplifies the process of embedding a tweet, you have to manually copy and paste a link to the tweet in order to embed it.

2 Answers

It certainly is a list of hardcoded partnerships, as @dtt101 suggested.

Evidence: here's a list of partners as taken from their javascript source (the js file with "hogan-more" in it, e.g. at t1-hogan-more-en-201203071014.js ):

edit: updated with domain names from the source

  • Amazon: www.amazon.com
  • AolVideo: http://www.aol.com
  • Apple: http://itunes.apple.com
  • BlipTV: blip.tv
  • CNN: http://cnn.com
  • DailyBooth: dailybooth.com
  • DeviantArt: http://deviantart.com
  • Dipdive: http://dipdive.com
  • Etsy: http://etsy.com
  • Facebook: https://facebook.com or http://facebook.com
  • Flickr: https://secure.flickr.com or http://www.flickr.com
  • Foursquare: www.foursquare.com
  • GoogleVideo: http://video.google.com
  • Gowalla: www.gowalla.com
  • Hulu: http://www.hulu.com
  • Instagram: instagr.am
  • JustinTV: http://justin.tv
  • Kickstarter: kickstarter.com
  • Kiva: http://www.kiva.org
  • Livestream: http://www.livestream.com
  • Lockerz: www.lockerz.com
  • Meetup: www.meetup.com
  • MSNBC: http://msnbc.com
  • MTV: http://mtv.com
  • NHL: http://www.nhl.com
  • Photobucket: http://photobucket.com
  • Photozou: http://photozou.jp
  • Plancast: plancast.com
  • Rdio: rdio.com
  • SlideShare: http://slideshare.com
  • Twitgoo: http://twitgoo.com
  • TwitPic: twitpic.com
  • Twitter: twitter.com
    • CopiedTwimg: twitter.com
    • Twimg: twitter.com
  • TwitVid: www.twitvid.com
  • Ustream: http://ustream.tv
  • Vevo: http://vevo.com
  • Vimeo: vimeo.com
  • WallStreetJournal: http://online.wsj.com
  • WashingtonPost: http://washingtonpost.com
  • WhoSay: www.whosay.com
  • With: https://with.me or http://with.me
  • WordPress: wordpress.com
  • YFrog: yfrog.com
  • Youtube: www.youtube.com
like image 139
Adam Rofer Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 05:10

Adam Rofer

https://dev.twitter.com/blog/photo-upload-api tells you how it works. There is an API which you can use to attach photos to tweets.

like image 1
dtt101 Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10
