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Turning a set of parent-child relationships into a hierarchical structure



I have an LDAP directory that I'm querying using Net::LDAP. This gives me a set of parent-child relationships.

It's a directory of people - and includes a 'manager' DN (which is another field within the directory).

I'm having real trouble turning this manager->person set of records into a hierarchical structure.

What I've got so far is:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::LDAP;
use Data::Dumper;

my %people;

my $ldap   = Net::LDAP->new('my_ldap_server');
my $result = $ldap->bind('bind_dn');
die if $result->code;

my $search = $ldap->search(
    base   => 'ou=yaddayadda',
    scope  => 'subtree',
    filter => 'objectClass=person',
    attrs  => ['manager'],
foreach my $found ( $search->entries ) {
    my $mgr = $found->get_value('manager');
    my $dn  = $result->dn;
    push( @{ $people{$mgr} }, $dn );

What this gives me is a hash of managers and the people who work for them (using DN, which is unique).

An entry from %people looks like:

$VAR1 = { 
            'cn=Firstname Lastname,ou=OrgUnit' => [
                          'cn=Personame Lastname,ou=OrgUnit',
                          'cn=AnotherPerson NameHere,ou=OrgUnit', 
            'cn=AnotherPerson NameHere,ou=OrgUnit' => [
                         'cn=Someone Else,ou=OrgUnit', 

But I'm having trouble with turning that parent-child mapping into a hierarchical structure.


'ceo' => [
             'pa' => [],
             'head_of_dept' => [ 
                       'person' => [],
                       'person_with_staff' => [ 'person3', 'person4' ]

I'm at something of a loss for how to accomplish this. It seems it shouldn't be too hard to do, given that each person is unique within the organisation structure.

NB - in the above, I've got cn=AnotherPerson NameHere,ou=OrgUnit who has a subordinate, and I'm after making a nested mapping out of this:


$VAR1 = {
          'cn=Firstname Lastname,ou=OrgUnit' => [
                                                  'cn=Personame Lastname,ou=OrgUnit',
                                                  'cn=AnotherPerson NameHere,ou=OrgUnit',
                                                    'cn=Someone Else,ou=OrgUnit'
like image 692
Sobrique Avatar asked Mar 02 '16 13:03


People also ask

How do you create a parent-child hierarchy?

To create a parent-child hierarchy, you should create a single table or view that represents the parent-child hierarchy. If you need several tables to build the hierarchy, you can create a view that flattens the structure. The top level of the hierarchy uses the parent key as the level key.

How do you model a parent-child relationship?

To model a parent-child hierarchy, you create attributes, map them to the relational data source and identify which attributes represent the parent key and child key. The child key also acts as the member key. The top level member in a parent-child hierarchy is determined as the member whose parent is Null.

What are the five elements for parent/child relationship?

"Mindful Parenting" can be described as a framework that includes: listening with full attention when interacting with children. fostering emotional awareness and self-regulation (for parent and child) bringing compassion and non-judgemental acceptance to parenting situations.

Has a parent-child hierarchy to how the nodes are connected?

However, where each node in a star topology is directly connected to the central hub, a tree topology has a parent-child hierarchy to how the nodes are connected. Those connected to the central hub are connected linearly to other nodes, so two connected nodes only share one mutual connection.

2 Answers

What you need is a directed graph, and I suggest using the Graph::Directed module, whose methods are documented in Graph

This program will build the graph for you, but without any data I couldn't test it beyond making sure it compiles

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use feature 'say';

use Net::LDAP;
use Graph::Directed;
use Data::Dumper;

my $ldap   = Net::LDAP->new('my_ldap_server');
my $result = $ldap->bind('bind_dn');
die if $result->code;

my $search = $ldap->search(
    base   => 'ou=yaddayadda',
    scope  => 'subtree',
    filter => 'objectClass=person',
    attrs  => ['manager'],

my $g = Graph::Directed->new;

for my $found ( $search->entries ) {
    my $mgr = $found->get_value('manager');
    my $dn  = $result->dn;
    $g->add_edge($mgr, $dn);

say $g;

The resulting Graph::Directed object has a stringification overload so you can examine it superficially by simply printing it, but when you want to interrogate the structure further you will need to know some of the terms of graph theory. For instance, $g->source_vertices will return a list of all nodes that have descendants but no parents—in this case, a list of senior management, or $g->is_cyclic will return true if your data has any loops anywhere

Here's an example of a program that uses your brief sample data to display a hierarchical tree of nodes

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Graph::Directed;

my $data = {
    'cn=Firstname Lastname,ou=OrgUnit' => [
        'cn=Personame Lastname,ou=OrgUnit',
        'cn=AnotherPerson NameHere,ou=OrgUnit',
    'cn=AnotherPerson NameHere,ou=OrgUnit' =>
        [ 'cn=Someone Else,ou=OrgUnit', ]

my $g = Graph::Directed->new;

for my $mgr ( keys %$data ) {
    $g->add_edge($mgr, $_) for @{ $data->{$mgr} };

dump_tree($_) for $g->source_vertices;

sub dump_tree {
    my ($node, $level) = ( @_, 0);
    print '   ' x $level, $node, "\n";
    dump_tree($_, $level+1) for $g->successors($node);


cn=Firstname Lastname,ou=OrgUnit
   cn=AnotherPerson NameHere,ou=OrgUnit
      cn=Someone Else,ou=OrgUnit
   cn=Personame Lastname,ou=OrgUnit
like image 71
Borodin Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10


@Hunter McMillen unfortunately deleted his very good but slightly off answer. Here is my attempt to augment his code by turning the relationship from underling -> boss towards boss -> underlings.

To simulate the LDAP responses, I created a simple Moose class.

package Person;
use Moose;

has name => ( is => 'ro' );
has boss => ( is => 'ro', predicate => 'has_boss' );

package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer;

# make a randomized list of people
my %people = map { $_->name => $_ }
    map { 
        name => $_->[0], ( $_->[1] ? ( boss => $_->[1] ) : () ) 
    } (
      [qw( ceo )],                       [qw( head_of_dept ceo)],
      [qw( person head_of_dept)],        [qw( person_with_staff head_of_dept )],
      [qw( person3 person_with_staff )], [qw( person4 person_with_staff )],

my %manages;
foreach my $p (values %people) {
    push @{ $manages{ $p->boss } }, $p->name if $p->has_boss;

# this part shamelessly stolen from @HunterMcMillen's deleted answer
sub build_tree {
    my ($person) = @_;

    my @subtrees;
    foreach my $managee ( @{ $manages{$person} } ) {
        push @subtrees, build_tree($managee);

    return { $person => \@subtrees };

p build_tree 'ceo';

Here's the output.

\ {
    ceo   [
        [0] {
            head_of_dept   [
                [0] {
                    person   []
                [1] {
                    person_with_staff   [
                        [0] {
                            person4   []
                        [1] {
                            person3   []

This should be more or less what you want.

like image 25
simbabque Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
