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Turn off user social registration in django-allauth?

I noticed looking through the django-allauth templates there's a signup_closed.html users can be redirected to when user registration is closed or disabled. Does anyone who's familiar with that module know if there's a pre-configured setting that can be set in settings.py to turn off new user registration via existing social apps? Or do I need to configure that myself? I've read the full docs for allauth and I don't see any mention of it. Thanks.

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Chris B. Avatar asked Jul 29 '13 12:07

Chris B.

2 Answers

There is no pre-configured setting but it's easy to make one (this is what I do).

# settings.py

# Point to custom account adapter.
ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'myproject.myapp.adapter.CustomAccountAdapter'

# A custom variable we created to tell the CustomAccountAdapter whether to
# allow signups.
# myapp/adapter.py

from django.conf import settings

from allauth.account.adapter import DefaultAccountAdapter

class CustomAccountAdapter(DefaultAccountAdapter):

    def is_open_for_signup(self, request):
        Whether to allow sign ups.
        allow_signups = super(
            CustomAccountAdapter, self).is_open_for_signup(request)
        # Override with setting, otherwise default to super.
        return getattr(settings, 'ACCOUNT_ALLOW_SIGNUPS', allow_signups)

This is flexible, especially if you have multiple environments (e.g. staging) and want to allow user registration in staging before setting it live in production.

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getup8 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10


Looks like you need to override is_open_for_signup on your adapter.

See the code.

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meshy Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 04:10
