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tsconfig paths not working

I'm trying to do something very similar to the jquery path example in the documentation, but TS keeps throwing TS2307 (webpack compiles fine):

"compilerOptions": {     "baseUrl": "./src",     "paths": {         "@client": [             "client",         ],         "@suir": [             "../node_modules/semantic-ui-react/dist/commonjs", // not working         ],     },     // … }, "include": [     "*.d.ts",     "client/**/*",     "../node_modules/semantic-ui-react", // is this necessary? ], 

Changing baseUrl to "." and updating includes and paths makes no difference (@client continues to work and @suir continues to not work).

Changing "@suir" to "@suir/" or "@suir/*" (and appending /* to its value) also makes no difference.

The reason I'm doing this is to simplify my imports (I'm specifying them explicitly instead of pulling named exports from the bundle in order to reduce my vendor bundle size—saves about 1 MB):

import Button from 'semantic-ui-react/dist/commonjs/elements/Button'; // works  import Button from '@suir/elements/Button'; // not found 
like image 488
Jakob Jingleheimer Avatar asked Jun 04 '18 10:06

Jakob Jingleheimer

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Does TSC use Tsconfig?

Running tsc locally will compile the closest project defined by a tsconfig. json , you can compile a set of TypeScript files by passing in a glob of files you want.

How does Tsconfig work?

The tsconfig. json file specifies the root files and the compiler options required to compile the project. JavaScript projects can use a jsconfig. json file instead, which acts almost the same but has some JavaScript-related compiler flags enabled by default.

Does SWC use Tsconfig?

SWC support is built-in via the --swc flag or "swc": true tsconfig option. SWC is a TypeScript-compatible transpiler implemented in Rust. This makes it an order of magnitude faster than vanilla transpileOnly . To use it, first install @swc/core or @swc/wasm .

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1 Answers

I have no idea why this is now working on the eleventh time I tried (yet didn't the first 10), but the /* seems to be the secret sauce, and the example in the docs is apparently pointing to a specific file (and the file extension is omitted).

{     "compilerOptions": {         "baseUrl": "./src", // setting a value for baseUrl is required         "moduleResolution": "node", // was not set before, but is the default         "paths": {             "@client/*": [                 "client/*",             ],             "@suir/*": [ // notice the `/*` at the end                 "../node_modules/semantic-ui-react/dist/commonjs/*", // notice the `/*`             ],         },         // …     },     "include": [         "./src/client/**/*",     ], } 
like image 197
Jakob Jingleheimer Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

Jakob Jingleheimer