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Angular2 - root relative imports

I have a problem with imports in angular2/typescript. I'd like to use imports with some root like 'app/components/calendar', instead only way I am able to use is something like:

//app/views/order/order-view.ts import {Calendar} from '../../components/calendar  

where Calendar is defined like:

//app/components/calendar.ts export class Calendar { } 

and this obviously gets much worse the lower in hierarchy you go, deepest is '../../..' but it is still very bad and brittle. Is there any way how to use paths relative to project root?

I am working in Visual Studio, and relative imports seem to be the only thing that makes VS able to recognize these imports.y

like image 848
Jarek Avatar asked Jan 05 '16 15:01


1 Answers


As of TypeScript 2.0 you can set tsconfig.json properties baseUrl as following:

{   "compilerOptions": {     "baseUrl": "app" } 

Then, you might use your desired manner of importing components, like:

import { Calendar } from 'components/calendar'; 


Fallback paths resolution

An important consideration is that specifying baseUrl option causes TypeScript compilator to:

  1. Look up a path with regards to baseUrl
  2. On failed resolution (module not found), look up a path with regards to moduleResolution option


Since SystemJS is heavily used in Angular development stage, be sure to accordingly config also systemjs.config.js, so that it resolves paths correctly.

Source and further details: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/5039

like image 72
Marek Dulowski Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 15:11

Marek Dulowski