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Trying to think about how to build a multi step form in angular 2




I am trying to build a small, 3 step form. It would be something similar to this:

enter image description here

The way I did this in react was by using redux to track form completion and rendering the form body markup based on the step number (0, 1, 2).

In angular 2, what would be a good way to do this? Here's what I am attempting at the moment, and I'm still working on it. Is my approach fine? Is there a better way to do it?

I have a parent component <app-form> and I will be nesting inside it <app-form-header> and <app-form-body>.

  <app-header [step]="step"></app-header>
  <app-body [formData]="formData"></app-body>

In <app-form> component I have a step: number and formData: Array<FormData>. The step is just a index for each object in formData. This will be passed down to the header. formData will be responsible the form data from user. Each time the form input is valid, user can click Next to execute nextStep() to increment the index. Each step has an associated template markup.

Is there a better way to do something like this?

like image 585
user3152131 Avatar asked Aug 06 '16 03:08


People also ask

How does angular handle multiple forms?

You could try making both buttons type="button" and adding the (click) method to them, calling the appropriate submitting function for each one (the method you currently have in each form tag).

What is multi step form?

A multi-step form is exactly what it sounds like — a long-form broken down into multiple pieces/steps to make an otherwise long form less intimidating for visitors to complete. The additional fields only appear after a visitor has filled in their baseline information, like name and email address.

2 Answers

don't overdo it, if it is a simple form you don't need to use the router or a service to pass data between the steps.

something like this will do:

<div class="nav">

<div id="step1" *ngIf="step === 1">

<div id="step2" *ngIf="step === 2">

<div id="step3" *ngIf="step === 3">

It's still a small template, and you kan keep all of the form and all the data in one component, and if you want to you can replace the ngIf with something that switches css-classes on the step1,2,3 -divs and animate them as the user moves to the next step

like image 156
Johan Blomgren Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11

Johan Blomgren

If you want to keep things extensible, you could try something like this:


 export class SignUpVm {
   createAccount: CreateAccountVm; //Contains your fields & finished bool
   socialProfiles: SocialProfilesVm; //Contains your fields & finished bool
   personalDetails: PersonalDetailsVm; //Contains your fields & finished bool
   //Store index here if you want, although I don't think you need it

 export class SignUp {
   model = new SignUpVm(); //from sign_up_vm.ts (e.g)

 //Copy this for personalDetails & createAccount
 export class SocialProfiles {
   @Input() model: SignUpVm;
like image 43
williamsandonz Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11
